Summary of #52 James McGinn: Solving tornadoes

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00:00:00 - 00:45:00

James McGinn discusses his theory of storm theory and convection and challenges the current model of storm formation based on buoyancy, proposing that something else is going on in the atmosphere. He explains how the surface tension properties of water allow for the formation of natural plasma in the atmosphere, leading to the creation of microdroplets of water that can spin and elongate into polymers of water. McGinn believes there is a conduit that bridges higher and lower pressure areas in the troposphere and shoots energy into it, explaining why the jet stream maintains its flow despite no known force pushing it. He is starting a company to control the delivery of low-pressure energy to storms, potentially stopping a tornado or steering a hurricane. McGinn emphasizes the importance of providing extraordinary evidence for extraordinary claims and suggests suing meteorological organizations to conduct the necessary experiments and release the results to the public.

  • 00:00:00 In this section of the podcast, James McGinn discusses his background in human evolutionary theory and how he discovered that humans evolved with the aid of an ideology that ultimately made humans delusional and highly ideological. He then talks about his research on global warming and how his encounter with the IPC site led to him finally becoming aware of the lack of experimental evidence on the impact of CO2 on the atmosphere. He also shares his opinion that Al Gore's push for global warming is due to his background as a Divinity student who is passionate about creating a new religion.
  • 00:05:00 In this section, the speaker discusses how climate change has become a religion to many people, fueled by the efforts of individuals such as Al Gore who have turned science into a religion. This has resulted in a disregard for actual scientific details, causing problems for those in the atmospheric sciences who are being "butchered" by the beliefs of global warming advocates. The speaker highlights the importance of understanding storm theory and convection, as there may be inaccuracies in current understandings of meteorology that can have serious consequences if not properly addressed.
  • 00:10:00 In this section, James McGinn challenges the notion that moist air in the atmosphere is gaseous by stating that it is impossible for H2O to become fully gaseous due to how small the water droplets are. This means that moist air is always heavier than dry air and thus the current model of storm formation based on buoyancy is flawed. He proposes that there must be something else going on in the atmosphere that causes storms and rain to occur. The size of the water droplets is highly variable but never gets down to zero and is affected by heat and pressure.
  • 00:15:00 In this section, James McGinn explains the surface tension properties of H2O and how it can lead to the formation of natural plasma in the atmosphere. He explains that H2O acts as a solvent of its own polarity, which causes the force of polarity to neutralize when the molecules come together. However, on the surface, the molecules still have some polarity and can create a strong surface tension. This unique property allows for the formation of microdroplets of H2O in the atmosphere, which can spin and elongate into polymers of H2O. These polymers have surface tension properties that are maximized, even more than they are on the surface. This leads to the formation of a natural plasma that tends to focus flow, creating a unique phenomenon in the atmosphere.
  • 00:20:00 In this section, scientist James McGinn explains his theory of how tornadoes and storms operate in the atmosphere. He claims that there is a conduit that bridges higher and lower pressure areas, which originates at the jet stream and shoots energy into it, explaining why the jet stream maintains its flow despite no known force pushing it. He believes that the moist and dry air layers in the troposphere act as pathways for storms to deliver their energy and states that the storm's energy is low pressure, delivered through a series of vortices. McGinn argues that the gustiness of wind is not predicted in a completely gaseous atmosphere, which is why Lorenz's missing lubrication theory is solved with the properties of water forming tubes that create the vortices.
  • 00:25:00 In this section, James McGinn explains that he is starting a company to control the delivery of low-pressure energy to storms, potentially stopping a tornado or steering a hurricane. McGinn believes that by bisecting the delivery of these "tubes" or "funnels" which are actually vortices made of water and located at the top of the troposphere, the storm's energy can be stopped or altered. He suggests that big sheets of plastic or rubber balls could get into the tubes and "stuff them up" to stop them. McGinn also explains how researchers used tornado probes to study the phenomena, but due to the unknowns around tornadoes, things like how they gain leverage, it's essential to find new ways to disrupt them.
  • 00:30:00 In this section of the video, James McGinn discusses real-world data that can be gathered to prove or disprove his theory on the formation of storms. He explains that his theory must conform with all data, but mainstream meteorologists refuse to discuss details or listen to alternative theories. McGinn mentions a conversation he had with Edwin Barry where he brought up basic facts about meteorological theory, but Barry would not engage in discussion. He also discusses Michael and Ronan Connolly's work, noting that Michael is a very advanced thinker who understands that current meteorological theory is flawed, but if he understood wind shear and how it interacts with the tropopause and the jet stream, he could make an advance in his understanding. McGinn briefly explains the concept of Perfection, which is a borderline genius theory about energy in the atmosphere being set at the speed of sound over long distances.
  • 00:35:00 In this section, the speaker talks about the concept of using hydraulics to transfer energy at high speeds, which he claims is how storms work in the atmosphere. He argues that tubes in the atmosphere transfer energy using hydraulic principles, and this property is crucial to understanding storms. However, he notes that some mainstream scientists, such as the Connollies, have ignored his ideas despite demonstrating hydraulic principles in their own videos. The speaker also emphasizes that the boundary of wind shear, where Nano droplets elongate into polymers, creates a substance that acts like a plasma, which acts like a container of the flow. He suggests watching his video titled "The Most Devastatingly Subtle Misconception in the Whole Dang History of Science" to understand surface tension and how it leads to the formation of plasma in storms.
  • 00:40:00 In this section, James McGinn emphasizes the importance of understanding water in order to comprehend the atmosphere. The current science has mistakenly incorporated huge mistakes regarding water, which lead to the Delusional Paradigm that makes it impossible for individuals to understand it. He claims that H2O never becomes gaseous at ambience temperatures although one cannot find anyone who could confirm it. As for the delusion of CO2 being a greenhouse gas, it originated from humans being innate to feeling infrared, which leads to missing ultraviolet. He thinks there's no need to go off on tangents regarding the complexity of the atmosphere and remains mostly focused on Storms. Moreover, he thinks there are experiments that prove it is completely impossible for H2O to have gaseous H2O.
  • 00:45:00 In this section, James McGinn discusses the difficulty of turning water into a gas at lower temperatures and the importance of providing extraordinary evidence for extraordinary claims. McGinn talks about the lack of motivation within meteorological organizations to conduct the necessary experiments, and suggests suing these organizations to force them to conduct the experiments and release the results to the public. McGinn also acknowledges the inevitability of pushback, and agrees to engage with people on Twitter or in online debates.

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