Summary of Basf investe em ideias inovadoras para o agro | App usa IA para monitorar florestas

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00:00:00 - 00:25:00

This section of the YouTube video highlights the agrobusiness opportunities available on the BASF website. The site connects startups with innovative solutions in the agricultural field with potential partners and investors. By particip

  • 00:00:00 In this section of the video, the focus is on discussing an accelerator of startups called Agrostart, which was developed by BASF to support better production practices in the agricultural sector. Agrostart is an open platform for innovation, which aims to improve the efficiency, productivity, and profitability of agriculture. By accelerating the development of technological solutions, the platform makes it easier for farmers to overcome challenges such as feeding a growing population and meeting new demands for agricultural produce. The accelerator has been running since 2015 and has established a strong network of relationships with more than 400 startups that have gone through the program. Agrostart provides support to these startups by offering tests, connections, and guidance with respect to specific technology solutions that can help them improve their production practices. Agrostart's focus is on three main areas: digital farming, precision agriculture, and rastering technologies. Digital farming involves the use of technology to provide real-time data on the various aspects of plant production. Precision agriculture and rastering technologies, on the other hand, are solutions that help farmers optimize the use of resources such as water, fertilizer, and pesticides, thereby improving the sustainability of their operations. Agrostart also offers a proprietary digital farming platform called the "charvel," which hosts startups that are working to develop innovative solutions for this field.
  • 00:05:00 In this section of the YouTube video, the speaker talks about the acceleration of agriculture through technology. The speaker discusses three key aspects of this acceleration: reduction and control of carbon emission, solutions financeiras, and the use of technology in agriculture. The third pillar is the development of startups that facilitate the payment process and offer tokenization of assets, as well as access to credit. The speaker also talks about the importance of innovation, which is closely connected to the concept of blockchain. The Agrostart platform supports the initiative of identifying nematoids and has the objective of opening portals for specific startups that have innovative technologies in development and need a partner to expand their reach. The second challenge is related to the measurement of data related to foliage, specifically in terms of plant growth, which is important for harvest yield. The Agrostart platform also offers mentorship, access to the market, and specialized solutions for startups that want to do business with them. The speaker emphasizes that Agrostart is not dependent on the formal acceleration pipeline and is constantly looking for opportunities to collaborate and support startups. This allows Agrostart to identify new opportunities and bring together startups with other stakeholders in the ecosystem.
  • 00:10:00 In summary, the excerpt is discussing the BASF website, which connects startups with agrobusiness opportunities. The site also hosts two challenges for startups to showcase their solutions to various problems in agriculture. The advantages of participating in these challenges include receiving mentorship by experts, expanding the network of expert contacts, and access to investment opportunities. The follow-up video will detail a specific case study in the form of an interview with a startup that has developed an app that uses artificial intelligence for forest monitoring and pest control. This app is designed to address the challenges of real-time decision-making, high volumes of data, and identifying the right moment to treat a problem, all of which are prevalent issues in the eucalyptus management industry. The app has unique features in that it not only monitors the health of the forest and detects prags but also helps define the most effective course of action for controlling the problem. The app has already shown its potential in the areas of environmental monitoring, yield optimization, disease control, and crop protection.
  • 00:15:00 In this section, a YouTube video titled "Basf investe em ideias inovadoras para o agro | App usa IA para monitorar florestas" explores how a base of data from Arcelor Mittal combined with the technology and expertise from BASF allowed for the development of an algorithm that uses artificial intelligence to predict infestations in different types of crops with up to four weeks of lead time. The algorithm was initially developed for eucalyptus and pine plantations but can be scaled to impact other industries as well. The algorithm, called the Monitoring System for Combatting Pests (MOSCOP), reduced the use of pesticides by 90% and lowered the costs of operations by 40%, demonstrating the positive impact that can result from the combination of data, technology, and intelligence in agriculture.
  • 00:20:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the potential impact of utilizing technology such as artificial intelligence in agriculture. They mention the reduction of bureaucracies, optimized use of resources, and efficient decision-making. The speaker also highlights the benefits of using AI in activities such as pest control in forests, stressing the information gathering capabilities of AI in collecting data from various sources and combining it with the monitoring of the environment to generate more accurate predictions. The speaker emphasizes that AI can greatly facilitate the monitoring process while reducing costs, making it more efficient and effective. Through real-life examples, the speaker shows how the benefits of AI technology, such as reduced costs and increased accuracy, have been realized.
  • 00:25:00 In this section, Basf discusses investing in innovative ideas for the agriculture industry. One such idea is the use of an AI-powered app that monitors forests. The app collects data from the forest and uses machine learning to monitor and control the environment. By using the app, the industry can become more assertive, intelligent, and efficient, leading to better results for everyone involved. The app can also be used in other areas, and they plan to expand the monitoring to other crops. However, there are specific variations that need to be taken into account. They understand that the technology is available and it's up to the industry to validate and measure the results. It's important to gain more knowledge about this technology to use it to its full potential.

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