Summary of #10 - Lord Christopher Monckton speaks out against the climate scam for almost 3 hours

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

In a three-hour video, Lord Christopher Monckton speaks out against the climate change narrative, warning of the anti-scientific approach taken by environmental groups and the use of reputational death to silence those who challenge the party line. Monckton also discusses the economic argument against net-zero and the consequences of the global shift to electric cars, including leaving the West at the mercy of China and Russia for the metals needed to make batteries. He further reveals how the origins of climate change policies tie to communism and disinformation directed by the KGB. Monckton urges the audience to not dismiss his arguments as a conspiracy theory and encourages them to check the facts to combat this issue.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, Lord Christopher Monckton introduces himself as a peer of the realm and a former policy advisor for Margaret Thatcher, specializing in the science of former millennia and architecture. He warns of the anti-scientific approach taken by environmental groups concerning the climate question, explaining that they have the same chilling effect on scientific discourse as the movement during the Islamic Dark Age that rejected mathematics and termed it as the work of the devil. In Monckton's own experience, he had given a talk in 2009 revealing that the UN was planning to establish a world government on the back of the climate scare, and someone had spent a considerable amount of money to stop the video from going any further than five million hits.
  • 00:05:00 In this section, Lord Christopher Monckton discusses the techniques used to silence individuals who speak out against the climate change narrative. He explains how the tactic of reputational death was invented by Goebbels in Germany and was later adopted by the Communists to silence anti-communist movements. Monckton believes this technique has been used in the climate change debate to silence those who challenge the party line, calling those who believe in climate change "useful idiots" because they have not heard both sides of the debate. He mentions his recent appearance on GB news, the only news station in Britain that allows both sides of the debate to be heard.
  • 00:10:00 In this section, Lord Monckton explains the benefits of the climate scam for Communism, which is simply to sell more Siberian gas to Europe or at a much higher price than what Putin can get from coal-fired power stations. As coal-fired and nuclear power stations are gradually shut down, Putin becomes the only source of energy for Europe. If he started a war in Europe, various commodities, including energy, would shoot up, and he would not only pay for his special military massacre but also have enough money left over to pay off the entire Russian national debt within two years. Consequently, power grid authorities are having to pay whatever price Putin chooses to charge for gas, which is considerably above the world price, making him laugh all the way to the Moscow bank.
  • 00:15:00 In this section, Lord Christopher Monckton talks about how the idiocies of government policies, particularly on climate change, are causing serious economic consequences for ordinary people, who had foolishly trusted governing classes to get things right. He argues that the western governing class is terrified of having its reputation trashed if it dared to speak out against the climate nonsense and fell silent. Monckton explains how censorship continues on a massive scale, and the governing class knows it is going on but doesn't have the courage to do anything about it. Monckton argues that finding simple, unassailable arguments is vital to show how silly governmental climate policy is, and he shows two slides that demonstrate this point.
  • 00:20:00 In this section, Lord Christopher Monckton speaks about the economic argument against net-zero. He explains that every trillion pounds spent on trying to achieve net zero would reduce global temperature by less than one one-thousandth of a Celsius degree. Monckton simplifies the debate by explaining that the economic argument is particularly strong, and climate communists don't have a basis to argue against it because they have never been good at economics. Monckton even demonstrated this on the back of an envelope, and people were astonished by how much less impact it would have than what they thought.
  • 00:25:00 In this section, Lord Christopher Monckton explains that the IPCC's claim that net zero emissions by 2050 would only prevent 3.8 degrees Celsius of global warming, even if the entire world transitioned, and states that the cost for such a plan would be four trillion dollars. He claims this is largely a cost of energy crisis caused by climate policy. Monckton argues that the media is not discussing this crisis because it sold out to climate communism, and he goes on to explain how even bankers are lying and cheating with figures. He believes that the solution is to quietly start briefing individual politicians.
  • 00:30:00 In this section, Lord Christopher Monckton reveals how he sent Donald Trump a memorandum via Steve Bannon that showed the mistake in the predictions made by climate models and how they overestimate the amount of global warming. Monckton's research showed that global warming would still occur, but at a slow rate that would be net beneficial in every region of the world. He warned Trump that the mistake would cause far more harm than good and that the best course was to pull out of the Paris Treaty and avoid causing harm to the planet. Monckton's memorandum proved to be timely since Trump announced one week later that America would withdraw from the Paris Treaty. Monckton laments that China and Russia are profiting from the global warming propaganda and that the Communists view it as a way to destroy the West and that Putin and Jinping will be the leaders of the world ultimately.
  • 00:35:00 In this section, Lord Christopher Monckton discusses how the global shift to electric cars is leaving the West at the mercy of China and Russia for the metals needed to make batteries. He also criticizes Boris Johnson for blindly following the "climate communist" party line without understanding the security implications of relying on foreign supply chains. Monckton urges Liz Trust, who may be the next Prime Minister, to be more attentive to these issues and to stand up against communism and climate alarmism. Finally, Monckton expresses concern about the lack of leadership in the West, including the political vacuum in both the United States and Britain, and the dominance of communism or communist influence in the West.
  • 00:40:00 In this section, Lord Christopher Monckton discusses the origins of climate change policies and their ties to communism. He explains that the disinformation directed by the KGB influenced the policies, claiming that it originated from Lieutenant General Pachepa, the founding head of the disinformation directorate. Pachepa contacted Monckton to provide more information about the topic since he was the former head of the directorate from 1945 to 1978. Monckton further talks about the involvement of Arthur Scargill, the leader of the Miner's Union, who has ties to communism. He explains that Scargill had been trained in Moscow before the miner's strike in 1984 to 1985.
  • 00:45:00 In this section, Lord Christopher Monckton talks about his involvement in the miners' strike and how they used a strategic operation to convince miners that Scargill was working against their interests. Monckton also talks about how the Russians decided to capture the environmental movement once they realized they couldn't rely on the unions to bring down capitalism by pushing up energy prices. The communists eventually used the environmental movement to push for unreliable and expensive sources of energy like windmills and solar panels, which has been their game plan ever since. Monckton played a role in stopping the strike and mentioned how David Hart played a significant role in winning the strike, but he received no recognition for it until now.
  • 00:50:00 In this section, Lord Christopher Monckton talks about the length to which Soviet communism was willing to go to achieve its objectives, which was to damage the economies of the West. Monckton explains that running a totalitarian system would make you realize that the vast majority of your own population would hate and fear you, and will look for a better and freer life. Therefore, one of the tactics would be to trash the economies of the west and bring down their political systems. Putin's plan was to damage the energy supplies of the West and get coal-fired power stations closed down to sell more of his gas at higher prices. He also planned to recapture territories in Eastern Europe for their grain supplies. Ukraine was his first target.
  • 00:55:00 In this section, Lord Christopher Monckton talks about the problems with communism and how its unwillingness to compromise with rationality, democracy, and prosperity could lead to the end of Western civilization. He shares a conversation he had with the former president of the Czech Republic who said that the countries of the West were the beacons of what could be achieved in the Czech Republic once it was set free from communism. Lord Monckton urges the audience to not dismiss his arguments as a conspiracy theory and encourages them to check the facts. He also suggests that the first step to combatting this issue is to start reducing the arguments against climate change.

01:00:00 - 02:00:00

Lord Christopher Monckton challenges the alarmist claims surrounding climate change and highlights the importance of educating politicians on the real science behind it. He discusses a range of issues, including the benefits of gentle warming and the inaccuracies of Michael Mann's hokey stick graph. Monckton also questions the fraudulent claims of a 97.1% consensus on global warming and the IPCC's overestimation of warming. He concludes by revealing a major error in the climate change feedback loop and the baseless predictions of environmental damage, such as the melting of the Arctic ice and the extinction of polar bears.

  • 01:00:00 In this section, Lord Christopher Monckton argues that it's crucial to give simple briefings to politicians and educate them on climate science. Our governing class is scientifically illiterate, and it's imperative to fix this problem to stop the nonsensical and damaging environmental decisions made by the governing bodies. Monckton also gives an example of the massacre of elephants by environmentalists that showed they had gotten it completely wrong, to highlight the importance of correcting the errors in climate science. The gentle warming that the world is currently experiencing is proving to be beneficial in each region of the world, and there is no need for alarmism.
  • 01:05:00 In this section, Lord Monckton talks about a study published in The Lancet which revealed that cold weather is the biggest killer while heat is the biggest benefit. He also explains how CO2 is beneficial to plant life, which is why even though there has been deforestation, there now 15 to 30 percent more green matter than before. He recounts giving a talk in Colombia where a hundred kids were present, 50 of whom believed that climate change caused by humans was a problem, while the other 50 did not. After giving his talk on the topic, not one hand in the audience went up when he asked who now believed that global warming caused by humans could become a serious problem.
  • 01:10:00 In this section, Lord Christopher Monckton discusses the controversy surrounding Michael Mann's hokey stick graph and its inaccurate representation of global warming trends in the last thousand years. He explains his method of using sea level reconstructed data to show that the graph was based on a series of flawed tree ring records that were not self-consistent and therefore unreliable. Monckton's research provides evidence that sea level only varied by eight inches despite the extreme temperature changes over the last thousand years. The correlation between the sea level changes and the graph of temperature reconstruction by Hubert Lamb showed a clear pattern, debunking the idea of unprecedented temperature changes around the world.
  • 01:15:00 In this section, Lord Christopher Monckton discusses the power of logic and evidence over complex scientific matters in the climate change debate. He shares how a Colombian intelligence officer who was initially neutral on the topic became convinced of the inaccuracy of the party line after being presented with a simple and logical method that anyone could understand. Monckton argues that we need to agree on a core set of facts and focus on spreading the truth to gradually reassert it over the communist propaganda. He also addresses the scientific consensus on climate change, stating that it implies only one permissible point of view and that all it really says is that most of the recent warming was man-made.
  • 01:20:00 In this section, Lord Christopher Monckton discusses the consensus position on climate change and the paper by Cook et al that was used as evidence for the supposed scientific consensus. Monckton notes that the word "consensus" is often deployed by communists in a scientific context, as it was in this case. He gained access to the intranet used by the authors of the paper and discovered that they referred to themselves and each other as communists. Monckton downloaded the paper's list of allegedly scientific papers and wrote a program to determine the extent of each paper's compliance with their party line and discovered that only 64 entries showed that recent global warming was chiefly man-made.
  • 01:25:00 In this section, Lord Christopher Monckton discusses the fraudulent claim of a 97.1% scientific consensus on global warming caused by humans. Monckton and his team discovered that the consensus of 97.1% was derived from only 64 papers, of which only 41 clearly stated that global warming caused by humans was the main reason for the warmer weather worldwide, which is only 0.3% of the 11,944 papers originally considered. A paper correcting this fraudulent report was published in the Journal of Education and Science, but no news media ever reported on it. A concerned citizen who received a copy of the paper took it to the police, who found it beyond doubt that the paper was fraudulent. Nevertheless, they did not prosecute the authors because they were not able to determine the amount of profit made or the damages incurred from this fraudulent paper.
  • 01:30:00 In this section, Lord Christopher Monckton discusses the issue of fraudulence in the global warming debate and how the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is a political body rather than a scientific one. He also notes that the predictions made by the IPCC were overestimated by about half to one-third of their original estimate, yet the organization still adheres to their initial prediction of three degrees celsius of warming this century. Monckton argues that evidence should be prioritized over belief and that the IPCC's lack of acceptance of the temperature record shows their incorrectness.
  • 01:35:00 In this section, Lord Christopher Monckton questions why global warming is not happening at the predicted rate that was originally forecasted by scientists, which was a third of a century per decade. He explains that the consensus and argument from imagined experts is not enough to rely upon a scientific result; instead, one must subject what they have learned to scrutiny, scientific verification, checking, and rechecking. Monckton notes that there has been no global warming trend for eight or nine years, which is inconsistent with the notion that there should have been a third of a Celsius warming per decade. He believes that if scientists intended to do science, they would have admitted their exaggerated predictions were wrong when they over-predicted and the warming did not arrive, but they did not.
  • 01:40:00 In this section, the speaker highlights the mistake made by climate scientists that resulted in three times the predicted warming. The mistake was based on the assumption that any feedback processes that may exist in a dynamic system such as the climate must respond equally to each unit of the input signal, which in this case is temperature. An example was cited on feedback response in 1850, which was a response to the 8 degrees of direct warming due to greenhouse gases and the 260 Kelvin of direct warming as a result of the sun's activity. The speaker concludes that the scientific mistake led to the multiplication by three of the true rate of warming that should have been predicted.
  • 01:45:00 In this section, Lord Monckton explains a mistake made by climatologists regarding the direct warming by the sun and the greenhouse gases. Instead of multiplying the direct warming by four, as they were doing before, they should have multiplied by 287, which was the temperature that actually obtained in 1850, divided by 268, which is the 260 degree direct warming by the sun and the eight-degree direct warming by the greenhouse gases added together. This corrected the mistake, and according to Lord Monckton, attempts to get a correction into the literature have failed not because they are wrong, but because they are right and people are running scared.
  • 01:50:00 understand this mistake in climate science, which is the misattribution of natural climate feedback to human greenhouse gas emissions. This error has led to overestimation of the climate's sensitivity to carbon dioxide, resulting in exaggerated predictions of global warming. Even skeptics who argue against this theory cannot refute the simple argument, and the energy budget method, using mid-range data, shows that the feedback regime is essentially stable under modern conditions. Lord Christopher Monckton discovered this error by using a logical method, and it is up to scientists to correct their mistake and acknowledge the truth about climate change.
  • 01:55:00 In this section, Lord Christopher Monckton discusses a major error in the feedback loop that has greatly amplified the feedback signal and is the basis for the entire climate change scam. Correcting this error reveals that there is not enough warming to justify taking any action or spending exorbitant amounts of money, especially when it economically and strategically does not make sense. Monckton then challenges the predictions of environmental damage caused by the warming that was supposed to occur, starting with the ice melt in the Arctic. Al Gore's prediction that the Arctic would be ice-free in the summer by 2013 was completely unfounded and scientifically baseless, and the ice in the Arctic has not melted as predicted. Polar bears, who evolved to hunt seals on the ice, are still present and thriving.

02:00:00 - 02:50:00

In this almost three-hour long video, Lord Christopher Monckton discusses his views on climate change and its related issues. He discusses several examples where predictions made by climate alarmists have been proven wrong, including polar bears, elephants, glaciers in the Himalayas, and sea-level rise. He also talks about the flaws of wind and solar power, the challenges associated with electric vehicles and rare earth minerals, and the negative impact of government intervention in the market for vehicles, which disproportionately affects the poorest people in Britain. Lord Monckton suggests that it may be necessary to form new political parties comprised of qualified individuals to bring about common sense in matters such as climate change and discusses the political and moral implications of the issue. He concludes by stating his belief that reducing carbon dioxide emissions would lead to economic hardship and a world that is poorer and more miserable, and that carbon dioxide is essential for plant growth.

  • 02:00:00 In this section, Lord Christopher Monckton discusses the state of the cryosphere, including the trends in the extent of Arctic sea ice and the increase in polar bear populations. He argues that the cryosphere is not behaving as predicted by the mainstream media, and that the predictions made by the IPCC and Al Gore have not come to pass. In addition, Monckton reveals that the IPCC based one of its predictions on an article written by a communist journalist without scientific training, and highlights the politics masquerading as science in the climate change debate.
  • 02:05:00 In this section, Lord Christopher Monckton talks about various examples where the predictions of climate alarmists have been proven wrong. He mentions polar bears, elephants, glaciers in the Himalayas, and sea level rise, all of which were predicted to be affected by global warming, but are either thriving or not changing at the rate that was predicted. He mentions that the measurements of sea level rise have changed from tide gauges to satellite laser interferometry, which he claims to be poorly calibrated and not accurate, as well as manipulated to produce the result that alarmists want. He also mentions that forest fires are not caused by global warming, as warmer weather produces moisture in the atmosphere that inhibits fires, and that the media only focuses on one side of the story.
  • 02:10:00 In this section, Lord Christopher Monckton discusses the flaws of wind and solar power, stating that every windmill and solar panel adds greatly to the cost of operating a grid and destabilizes it. Moreover, wind and solar cannot replace traditional forms of generation because they only work when the wind blows or the sun shines. Even slight problems can lead to major blackouts and huge problems caused by destabilization. It is also revealed that wind and solar are inefficient, being unreliable and do not reduce CO2 emissions worldwide and may even increase them. Likewise, there is a discussion on electric cars and how they are only in existence because of significant subsidies. Therefore, Monckton argues that these solutions are a waste of time and an even bigger waste of money.
  • 02:15:00 In this section, Lord Monckton discusses the challenges, including the cost and extraction process, associated with electric vehicles due to the requirement of rare earth minerals, which are not actually rare, but difficult to extract commercially. He points out how China has cornered the market in lithium production and how this has affected prices, which have gone up tenfold since the Ukraine war. He also highlights the strategic risks of relying on gas-fired power from Russia, which is now virtually the only source of thermal power on British and European grids. China's lending practices, which include strict conditions and control of the world's economic centers, ports, and mines, are discussed as well.
  • 02:20:00 In this section, Lord Christopher Monckton discusses the danger of going for electric vehicles and how it will lead to the destruction of the free market. He says that it will lead to a "managed market" which will be much more expensive than any other kind of market and will kill all forms of innovation while driving prices up enormously. He also talks about the energy supply in Britain being rationed both by price and by government fiat because of the so-called energy price cap, and how this is giving the country the most expensive electricity prices in Europe. Lord Monckton warns that forcing electric cars onto people will greatly enrich China as they will become more dependent on it for lithium carbonate, with just one country consuming three quarters of all known reserves of lithium production worldwide, leading to a rise in the price of lithium.
  • 02:25:00 this section, Lord Christopher Monckton discusses the economic situation in Russia and their reliance on natural resources, particularly gas. He explains that the sharp reduction in Russia's national debt has been achieved by making large profits from commodities such as metals, gold, and silver, which have shot up in price due to the invasion of Ukraine. Monckton argues that this rise in price was long planned and that the west allowed it to happen because they would not listen to intelligence briefings. He expresses concerns about the governing class's reluctance to stand up to this interference in the free market, leading to poverty and negative effects on the younger generation. Monckton also points out that the problem with electric cars goes beyond their battery technology but is also about where the additional electricity will come from as wind and solar energy are marginal and very expensive.
  • 02:30:00 In this section, Lord Monckton discusses the negative impact of government intervention in the market for vehicles, which will disproportionately affect the poorest people in Britain. He argues that electric vehicles are absurdly expensive and require significantly more energy to operate, which will make personal travel unaffordable for many working people, effectively extinguishing their freedom to move around as they want. Moreover, Lord Monckton asserts that the communist-leaning governing class is responsible for creating dreadful problems for populations, and governments have misled by believing in the myth of global warming. Lord Monckton expresses his concern about the western world's formidable problems, which they are responsible for due to allowing communists in China and Russia to influence their economies.
  • 02:35:00 In this section, Lord Christopher Monckton suggests that it may be necessary to form new political parties comprised of individuals who have passed competitive examinations in economics, politics, resource economics, science, mathematics, and other practical subjects required for efficient government. The current political structure has been "communized," and none of the existing political parties seem capable of being brought around to common sense on matters such as climate change. Those who can see the "far horizon" and the "storms that are coming" will need to form new political parties with properly qualified candidates. Lord Monckton argues that it is no longer acceptable to allow people who lack the relevant qualifications to hold legislative positions, whether locally, nationally, or supranationally. His views have been shaped by the "climate change scam," which he believes has exposed the appalling intellectual poverty among our governing class.
  • 02:40:00 In this section, Lord Christopher Monckton discusses the political and moral implications of the climate change issue. He argues that society needs a clear understanding of the difference between right and wrong, which is also the same as the difference between true and false. Monckton believes that organized religions could play a vital role in keeping people's morals straight and has criticized the Irish Catholic Bishops for publishing an absurd document on climate change. He warns that the intellectual life of Western societies is under threat from communist scientism and is reminded of the destruction of enlightened Islamic civilization by militant stupidity a thousand years ago. Lastly, Monckton reflects on the understanding of the soul in Judeo-Christian theology, which he says is not a waffly concept but precisely defined as possessing three properties.
  • 02:45:00 In this section, Lord Christopher Monckton discusses the properties of the soul in Judeo-Christian theology, which include memory, reason, and will. Totalitarian systems, such as communism, require citizens to let their intellect defer to what the party says is true, depriving individuals of the ability to exercise free will. The current climate debate is likened to a totalitarian regime that will not allow dissent or discussion, taking away freedom. Monckton argues that individuals must be allowed to make decisions, including owning property, travelling freely, and thinking and learning without state intervention. Without individual freedom, Monckton sees a multi-directional disaster for western civilization that could be irreversible.
  • 02:50:00 In this section, Lord Christopher Monckton expresses his belief that if the climate change movement succeeds in reducing carbon dioxide emissions, it will lead to economic hardship and a world that is poorer and more miserable. He argues that the world has gone through periods of warming and cooling in the past without causing catastrophic consequences and that carbon dioxide is not a pollutant but is essential for plant growth. Lord Monckton concludes by thanking the host for the opportunity to speak and hopes to have more discussions in the future.

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