Summary of #29 - Willie Soon: “This CO2 stuff is...pure delusion. You cannot find any signature of that.”

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

Dr. Willie Soon talks about his frustration with the demonization of carbon dioxide and the politics surrounding climate science. He emphasizes the complexity of the climate system and the weak foundation of its understanding. Despite attacks and attempts to censor his work, he remains committed to doing good science and correcting his mistakes. Dr. Soon discusses his research on the sun-earth orbital conditions and the importance of studying sunlight to understand climate change. He also talks about his work on temperature data and the problems with official datasets used by scientists. Dr. Soon stresses the need for transparent and open research to provide an alternative to the blended results provided by climate organizations and encourages people to examine evidence critically.

  • 00:00:00 In this section of the podcast, Willie Soon talks about his curiosity-driven passion for understanding climate change and his frustration with the current obsession of demonizing carbon dioxide. He notes that while climate is a complex and hard problem, politics make it even harder. Soon also shares his experience of publication challenges with his sun climate connection work back in 1992-94, where it took two years to get his paper approved by Nature Magazine. He felt the power of the peer-review system at that time, which he says is so terrible that it makes it hard for people to believe this is science.
  • 00:05:00 In this section, Willie Soon talks about how he has been involved in numerous exchanges and even helped Stephen McIntyre when he pointed out that data was censored. Soon states that he is well trained in mathematics and physics, and therefore the empirical orthogonal function in the climate system was trivial to him. Soon became fed up with the responses to his research methods and findings and decided to publish his work instead. He refutes the claim made by Michael Mann's "Hockey Stick" graph and states that the change in temperature is tiny, whereas the change could be about one degree or even more.
  • 00:10:00 In this section, climate scientist Willie Soon discusses the complexity of climatology and the weak foundation of its understanding. He expresses frustration with the politics surrounding climate science and the attacks he has received despite publishing a paper that received praise from John Christie. Soon discusses the simplicity of his three-question approach to climate change and his obsession with perfection in science. Despite the attacks, Soon focuses on doing good work and correcting his mistakes.
  • 00:15:00 In this section, Willie Soon discusses his work with polar bears and how sea ice is crucial to their survival and nutritional needs. He explains that he had to learn about polar bear biology to help a researcher who needed sea ice data, and despite the painful process of publishing a paper on the subject, he found joy in the learning experience. Soon also expresses his frustration with the climate change community's lack of willingness to engage in debate and their use of cheating and lying tactics instead. He highlights his own expertise in climate modeling and challenges those who doubt his knowledge. Additionally, he shares his experience with the ClimateGate scandal and Greenpeace's attempt to obtain his emails through a Freedom of Information Act. Though he resisted initially, Soon's workplace was not supportive of him and ultimately the emails were released.
  • 00:20:00 In this section, Dr. Willie Soon discusses how he was targeted by Greenpeace and the media after his email was requested in the ClimateGate scandal. He argues that he was targeted simply because he was a vocal skeptic of climate change, but maintains that he did nothing wrong. Despite the attacks against him, he continues to defend his position and advocate for a return to true scientific inquiry, free from political influence. He also touches on his new approach to fighting the climate science business by promoting neutral research and adversarial collaboration. Lastly, he discusses the difficulties he faced in defending himself against his institution and Greenpeace without proper financial support.
  • 00:25:00 In this section, Willie Soon discusses an article that mentioned his work that was counter to the hockey stick graph. Soon was accused of corrupting the Harvard University press media office by Michael Mann. He also explains that his pursuit is to study science, and if he is wrong, he is wrong. Soon also explains his viewpoint on climate change, which he finds interesting, and discusses how he used to be a big fan of the idea of cosmic rays causing clouds and cooling the planet, but after examining the satellite data, found that the basis of this idea was not even there.
  • 00:30:00 In this section, Willie Soon explains that his research on climate change is based on a different paradigm, which focuses on studying sunlight and understanding the sun-earth orbital conditions correctly. He explains that the current understanding of the earth's orbit is not accurate enough to predict climate changes. Soon and his colleague produced a solution that covers the Holocene and includes the sun's, moon's, and earth's separate influence. He highlights that the climate system is very complicated, and there is no energetic problem as all the energy in the climate system is supplied by the sun. Soon questions the concept of feedback and other nonsensical theories and stresses that the formation of clouds is not determined by microphysics, but rather by a large-scale phenomenon, making it very mysterious.
  • 00:35:00 In this section, Willie Soon discusses his journey in understanding the relationship between the Sun, Earth, and volcanic behavior. He emphasizes the importance of understanding all the different knobs to gain a thorough understanding of the subject matter rather than just focusing on one area. Soon mentions his study of the intrinsic Sun and its orbital perturbations as planets force the Sun to revolve, which could connect to how it affects the Sun's intrinsic property – the magnetism. He also unveils the seasonal cycle present in volcanic eruptions when categorized by month, which corresponds to the weakening of the Sun during the Wonder, Daughter, and the Smaller Minimum, resulting in more volcanic eruptions.
  • 00:40:00 In this section, Willie Soon talks about his 32 years of experience studying climate science and the interesting research he's currently doing with balloon radio-sound data. He discusses a new paper his team is working on and the importance of starting from empirical evidence instead of theory. Soon also discusses his work on temperature data and how he found errors in the homogenization algorithm used to process the data. He criticizes those who become dogmatic and aggressive in their defense of the algorithm, despite evidence to the contrary.
  • 00:45:00 In this section, Willie Soon talks about the paper he published with meteorologists and supplies data to show the problems with the official datasets used by scientists such as NASA and Gavin. He mentions the retired Professor from Trinity Dublin, Peter O'Neal, who is the first author of the paper, and how he played a vital role in the thermometer solution study. Soon also talks about how the official datasets are unreliable, and every time they update, it can produce different results even though the true sign cannot change. He expresses his frustration with how the scientists at conferences praise each other, and they are held as heroes while they are the worst criminals, in his opinion.
  • 00:50:00 In this section, Dr. Willie Soon discusses his perspective on the state of climate science and the importance of understanding the role of solar metrics and rural temperature measurements in studying climate change. He believes that a large percentage of the warming since 1975 is all natural and that CO2 is a delusion, stating that you cannot find any signature of it. Dr. Soon also emphasizes the importance of producing transparent and open research to provide a contrast to the blended, nonsensical results provided by the IPCC and other climate organizations. Despite threats and attacks, Dr. Soon remains committed to doing science in a peaceful manner.
  • 00:55:00 In this section, Willie Soon discusses the misleading concepts and methods used by some scientists to study the connection between sun and climate, claiming that they pick and use the wrong curve (e.g., sunspot) and ignore other more significant metrics (e.g., irradiance). He argues that many of these studies are incomplete, do not use peer-reviewed sources, or are based on unsupported claims. He suggests that a more comprehensive and balanced approach is necessary, and encourages people to read his paper with 536 references to examine the evidence critically.

01:00:00 - 01:10:00

In a YouTube video, Dr. Willie Soon discusses his research into the role of underwater volcanoes in ocean heating, and his efforts to understand climate drivers. He argues that politics and sociology have contaminated the science surrounding environmental issues, and expresses frustration with dishonesty and hysteria propagated by some environmental groups. Dr. Soon emphasizes the importance of science being science, and advocates for the education of children in climate science through groups like Chem Constitution. He also expresses disbelief in Joe Biden's presidency, and encourages people to speak out against what they believe to be false.

  • 01:00:00 In this section, Dr. Willie Soon talks about the idea of underwater volcanoes being a major source of heat in the ocean. He confirms that it is connected and ties into the solar tectonic magmatic situation. He mentions a map of the Western Pacific created by Joe Bastardi, showing that the temperature is warming up at the Pacific Rim. Dr. Soon believes there is consistency to be seen, and is looking at every possible data available. He also suggests that people are trying to argue about the aspect of CO2, and doubts that it will bubble out easily. Ultimately, Dr. Soon wants to use this framework to get a comprehensive understanding of climate, focusing on what drives the climate system.
  • 01:05:00 In this section, Willie Soon discusses his work on various environmental issues, including air pollution, clean water, COVID-19, and mercury problems caused by coal power plants. He expresses his frustration at the dishonesty and hysteria surrounding environmental groups, and the inaccurate narratives that they propagate. Soon argues that politics and sociology have led to the contamination of science, and people need to start being honest and truthful about their claims. He emphasizes the importance of science being science and how it has allowed us to make many advancements.
  • 01:10:00 In this section, Dr. Willie Soon expresses his passion for supporting Chem Constitution, a group that helps to educate children about climate science and encourages them to ask questions. He believes it is important to protect children from being indoctrinated into false beliefs about climate change without questioning the information given to them. According to Dr. Soon, it is important to have the courage to speak out against lies and cheating in order to protect children from being misled. He also expresses his disbelief in Joe Biden's presidency and encourages people to speak out against what they believe to be false.

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