Summary of #8 - Brian Catt compares crazy alarmist climate model output with reality

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

Physicist and engineer Brian Catt questions the reliability of climate models and challenges the assumption that carbon dioxide is the sole cause of climate change. He argues that natural cycles cannot be discounted as a factor, citing evidence of past warm periods and the stability of the Earth's temperature due to the feedback mechanisms of the oceans. Catt also criticizes the lack of proper comparisons between climate predictions and observations, and highlights instances of fraudulent data being used to support climate change theories. He emphasizes the importance of understanding actual data and promoting accuracy in modeling. Additionally, he discusses the positive effects of CO2 on photosynthesis and the greening of the planet.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, physicist and engineer Brian Catt shares his background, including his work in technology business and nuclear power. He explains that his interest in energy supply sparked when he retired as he tried to understand how wind and water mills could generate more energy now than they did in the past, considering their low-grade energy source. Catt argues that energy intensity is core to everything and that when fossil fuel runs out, the only thing intense enough to replace it is nuclear power. He criticizes politicians who push for renewable energy and supports his arguments with basic math and physics.
  • 00:05:00 In this section of the transcript, Brian Catt discusses the problems with wind and solar energy, stating that while there might be some usefulness in hot countries where it matches supply to the actual demand, most of it is a "complete crop" and a legal protection racket where people are forced to pay for it by law. He then discusses his search for information on weather predictions and modeling, highlighting the stale and unscientific debates surrounding it, and the lack of proper comparisons between predictions and observations. He also highlights his background in control systems and feedback and how it contradicted his understanding of transfer functions and feedbacks of the climate models.
  • 00:10:00 In this section, Brian Catt discusses a Trope system that some people claim is evidence of climate change. He explains that the data that supports this theory only goes back to 1850 and claims that the period from 2000 years ago to 1850 is assumed to have been effectively unchanged. Catt also discusses how observing nature contradicts the climate change theory and how fraudulent data is sometimes used to support it. He emphasizes the importance of understanding the actual data and not just relying on vague theories and models.
  • 00:15:00 In this section, Brian Catt provides evidence to support the claim that it was warmer in the past, including artifacts found in Greenland, the Norwegian-Swedish mountains, and the Alps dated to the Roman and medieval warm periods. Catt also mentions a paper he read that shows artifacts are appearing from the ice in Iceland. He discusses the proxy measurements scientists use to determine past temperatures and debunks the idea that the current temperature increase is solely due to human activity, citing natural cycles as a factor that cannot be discounted.
  • 00:20:00 In this section, Brian Catt discusses how the climate models produced by the IPCC are not reliable as they haven't considered cyclic trends in their projections. He argues that the basic assumption of the IPCC models is false and flawed, and that this has been deception by the IPCC. He also questions why people tend to believe their projections, even though there isn't much scientific proof to back them up. Brian also points out that Richard Alley, who is a climate expert, may not be as vocal as he used to be about climate change publicly as he would risk losing his job. Lastly, he mentions that while the IPCC claims that every recent year is much warmer than any year before 1950, he doesn't believe that as every year between 1939 and 1972 was much cooler than the recent ones.
  • 00:25:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the idea that there was no climate change for two thousand years before 1850, which was a lie created to justify climate action. He says that evidence emerged around the year 2000 about solar impacts that could cause variations in climate, and when this evidence came to light, they shut down the debate. The speaker also mentions letters he had received from James Lovelock, who wrote back to him, agreeing that the theory of the earth as a self-regulating biophysical system is now generally accepted. However, Lovelock had become almost deaf from the consequences of an unwise use of the antibiotic Tobramycin.
  • 00:30:00 In this section, Brian Catt discusses the Makassar Australia and how it is proof that Greenland's climate is not unique. He also mentions Jurgen Pederson's talk, which he claims exposes the deceit of the IPCC, as well as Neil's ball journey from Stockholm to London during World War II. He expresses the view that he does not care about the arguments with models but instead wants to know what is happening in reality.
  • 00:35:00 In this section of the video, Brian Catt discusses how theories plugged into climate models can be compared to actual readings over time. He notes that NASA satellites are currently the best system for surveying where all the heat is located in the world, which is in the oceans. This data disproves the NASA hockey stick that climate change activists keep referencing. Catt points out that Noah and NASA's published ocean pH change is laughable, and he believes they don't understand how the scale works. He then shows a graph of the red line (the mean of all the model's assumptions), which overestimates the temperature by 250 percent. He suggests that only the models that express accuracy in data should be trusted.
  • 00:40:00 section of the video discusses the flaws in climate models and how they differ from actual observations. The speaker argues that there is virtually no sensitivity to CO2 and that the models are just plain wrong. They compare the models to past warm periods and explain how they do not match up with what has actually happened since 1979. The speaker also briefly touches on the Heartland Climate Conference and the law in the United States that prevents people from suing others in an attempt to shut them up.
  • 00:45:00 In this section, Brian Catt discusses how climate models do not capture the natural feedback of the oceans, which have kept the planet's temperature stable for millions of years. When sunlight heats up the ocean, it evaporates and transports heat to the troposphere, which cools the oceans when water condenses as clouds and reflects the sun's rays. Catt believes that this feedback mechanism is crucial for the Earth's stability and is not included correctly in climate models. He also touches on how geology can provide insights into the future, with the past serving as a guide.
  • 00:50:00 In this section, Brian Catt compares crazy alarmist climate model output with reality. He states that climate models do not understand the clouds and cannot accurately model them, so they make up feedback values. According to Catt, they aren't creating accurate feedback values because they don't understand climate systems and how the transfer functions work. Additionally, when discussing CO2, Catt believes they shouldn't just immediately assume that carbon dioxide causes everything, but instead investigate if it is causal or just an effect of change. He also briefly touches on his paper on submarine volcanoes warming the oceans during the interglacial period.
  • 00:55:00 In this section, the speaker questions the idea that CO2 is causing everything and demonstrates that the evidence suggests otherwise. According to Henry's law, temperature drives CO2 change, and the observations show that CO2 lags in response to temperature changes. The speaker explains that CO2 release from the oceans drives the rise of CO2 in the atmosphere. Furthermore, the proportion of CO2 in the atmosphere is only two percent; thus, an increase in atmospheric CO2 must come from the ocean, which is impractical to double the amount in the ocean. The speaker also points out the positive effects of CO2 on photosynthesis. The increase in CO2 contributes to the greening of the planet, increasing the efficiency of photosynthesis.

01:00:00 - 01:30:00

In this video, Brian Catt discusses the potential impact of climate change on agriculture, arguing that increased CO2 levels in the atmosphere have actually improved crop yields by up to 30%. He believes that efforts to combat climate change are driven by an ulterior motive of creating a "15-minute city" and moving people out of rural areas. Catt argues that climate change policy is based on lies and funded by taxpayers, and that breaking the political system is key to changing it. He uses spectral analysis to show that the Earth is not experiencing an overwhelming increase in temperature, but is on a downward trend as expected from natural cycles. Furthermore, Catt believes that renewable energy cannot meet the energy demands of the current grid and that coal remains the most feasible solution if CO2 is not a problem. He also highlights how corrupt politics has become in relation to climate change.

  • 01:00:00 In this section, the conversation turns to the impact of climate change on agriculture and crop yields. Brian Catt argues that the additional CO2 in the atmosphere has actually increased crop yields by up to 30%, leading to increased profits for farmers. However, he believes that efforts to stop climate change and reduce CO2 emissions are driven by an ulterior motive of creating a "15-minute city" and moving people away from the countryside. Brian Catt also argues that climate change policy is based on lies and funded by taxpayers, and that breaking the political system is key to changing it. Finally, the conversation touches on the topic of global temperatures, with Brian claiming to know which way they are headed until 2050, and the famous "Inconvenient Paper" by Carlos Vargas.
  • 01:05:00 In this section, Brian Catt explains the concept of spectral analysis, a form of math used to detect multiple frequency peaks in natural cycles such as ice age cycles. By comparing temperature data series through spectral analysis, different researchers have been able to find multiple peaks correlating with different time frames such as 1,000 years, 500 years, 200 years, and even as small as 60 years. When combining these natural frequencies together, they resemble a "chord" which, when played, indicated that the planet is on a downward trend following natural cycles. This data was compared to satellite data for the entire world, which showed low air temperature numbers in the lower troposphere, indicating that the Earth is not experiencing an overwhelming increase in temperature, but is on a downward trend as expected from natural cycles.
  • 01:10:00 In this section, Brian Catt discusses the natural cycles reflected in the proxy data of the last few thousand years, which shows that a decline is coming, and it indicates a turning point. The data from the global satellites show that the last El Nino to increase temperatures significantly was in 1998 and that the trend of warming that started from 1972 saw a small increase in 2016, and it has gone down by 0.3 degrees since then. Though CO2 has been going up since then, it is not necessarily due to an 800-year lag; the CO2 after warming effect can occur in much lesser time.
  • 01:15:00 In this section, Brian Catt talks about the last interglacial period, 130,000 years ago, when the Earth was four degrees warmer than the current interglacial period. The difference in temperature is significant, but it is believed that humans were comfortably hunter-gathering during that time. As the conversation continues, Brian mentions that as the Earth warms up, the atmosphere becomes saturated, and when it gets to five degrees at the Equator, most of the heat exchanged is in the tropics, causing clouds to form and radiation to be emitted. Additionally, the Earth’s three cycles of orbital forcing were remarkable during the last interglacial period, causing the Earth to “twerk” and expand towards the poles, bringing tropical climates to regions as far north as Leicestershire in England.
  • 01:20:00 In this section, Brian Catt discusses the possibility of underwater volcanic activity being the root cause of the bizarre oceanic patterns. The inquiry follows a discussion of sea levels rising over an extended period of glacial temperatures when the Earth cooled 14,000 to 12,000 years ago, calling into question the source of the oceans' continued warmth and consequent increase. He rejects the possibility of another surge of heat that drove the ocean's rise and argues that there is no better account than underwater volcanic activity. Catt emphasizes that everything he says related to climate science can be substantiated and supported through observation.
  • 01:25:00 In this section, Brian Catt argues that renewable energy cannot meet the energy demands of the current grid, let alone a tripled grid that would be required to power electrification pr was a complete non-sense, coal remained the most feasible solution if the CO2 is not a problem and if chimneys are scrubbed. Those who support renewable energy are unknowingly supporting policies that will push the world back to before the Industrial Revolution, creating a dystopian society ruled by elites who control the usage and amount of energy available, creating client states, with cheap and plentiful energy being essential for sustainable development. The global stakes in this energy crisis cannot be higher, with democracy at stake.
  • 01:30:00 In this section, Brian Catt describes how corrupt politics has become in relation to climate change and green energy. He highlights how ministers in the UK who have pushed for renewable subsidies have gone on to receive directorships and consultancy jobs in large energy companies. He also explains how the former energy minister signed off on the burning of wood chips for which Drax receives a billion pounds a year in subsidies. Catt believes that if the past is a good indication of the future, the climate is going to get cooler until 2050. He discusses how the elites have taken advantage of the political situation to impose their will rather than creating a genuine solution to climate change.

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