Summary of Estudo avalia milho mais resistente a fumonisinas

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00:00:00 - 00:05:00

The video discusses a research project carried out by the Embrapa and the University Federal de Viçosa focused on improving milo and sorgo crops. The project aims to create hybrids that have lower incidences of fumonisins, toxic micotoxins produced by fungi, including fusarium verticillioides. These toxins can be harmful to both animals and humans, cause cancer, and are the primary cause of a disease called podrão in milo and sorgo. In the project, genetic data and performance measurements are used to select promising hybrids that have higher yields and lower incidences of fumonisins. The video also includes imagery of milo grains and fungal infections that damage the grain, resulting in a loss of chlorophyll and reduced growth. The research has the potential to increase milk production and improve the commercial viability of Brazilian exports.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, we learn about a research project by the Embrapa and the University Federal de Viçosa to improve milo and sorgo crops. The focus of the project is to select hybrids with lower incidences of fumonisins in grains. Fumonisins are toxic micotoxins that are produced by fungi, primarily fusarium verticillioides, and are the main cause of a disease called podrão in milo and sorgo. The toxins can be harmful to both animals and humans and are also associated with an increased risk of cancer. The project aims to develop a novel method for predicting fumonisin tolerance and resistance in milo hybrids. This new approach combines genetic data and performance measurements to select promising hybrids with both increased yield and lower incidences of fumonisins.
  • 00:05:00 In this section of the video, Maria Marta and the narrator explain how genetic data is used in research to improve milo performance. The video includes images of different-sized and colored milo grains, as well as imagery that shows microscopic fungal infections. These infections can cause damage to the milo grain, resulting in grains with such features as a loss of chlorophyll and reduced growth. The narrator explains that a pioneering research approach is used to increase milk production, which has the potential to improve the commercial viability of Brazilian exports.

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