Summary of Catching Up On All The Tea We Missed 💅 - H3 Show #2

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

In the "Catching Up On All The Tea We Missed 💅 - H3 Show #2" YouTube video, Ethan and Hila express gratitude to their sponsors and address viewer feedback regarding set changes. They also discuss the importance of teamwork and member involvement in their creative process. Joe Biden makes a guest appearance, sharing his excitement about the green screen tournament and upcoming live show. The team discusses the affordable ticket prices for the live show and clarify rumors about Hila and the Antichrist. They also introduce a new employee, Nate, who reveals he has been working behind the scenes and dealing with harassment. The hosts discuss various topics, including celebrity injuries, product endorsements, and their own experiences with technology during the livestream. Ethan expresses his excitement about potential collaborations and partnerships, while Hila praises a gluten-free snack and promotes . The team also offers a special deal for viewers interested in the service.

  • 00:00:00 In this section of the H3 Show episode 2, Ethan expresses gratitude to their sponsors and mentions some changes made to the set based on viewer feedback. The new curtains were a hit for most viewers, but a few expressed their displeasure. Ethan acknowledges these comments and assures viewers that they are working to please everyone. He also addresses the issue of nasty messages sent to Sam and emphasizes that such behavior is not acceptable. Ethan clarifies that the decisions regarding the set were communal and not solely Sam's. He encourages viewers to provide feedback and stresses the importance of teamwork in their creative process. A poll is mentioned for viewers to vote on a decision for Sam.
  • 00:05:00 In this section of the "Catching Up On All The Tea We Missed 💅 - H3 Show #2" YouTube video, Joe Biden shares his excitement about returning to the show and discussing the tea they missed during the break. He mentions getting a haircut and looking forward to the green screen tournament. The team also discusses the upcoming Lego collection and shares ideas for the green screen backgrounds. They also announce that tickets for an upcoming live show will go on sale exclusively for members 30 minutes into the show on June 28th, with general ticket sales becoming available later. The team emphasizes the importance of members securing their tickets early to ensure they get a spot, as tickets sold out quickly in the past. The live show will take place at the Greek Theater and promises to be a special occasion.
  • 00:10:00 In this section of the "Catching Up On All The Tea We Missed 💅 - H3 Show #2" YouTube video, Ethan and Hila discuss the affordable ticket prices for their upcoming live show at the Greek Theater in Los Angeles. Ethan emphasizes that they prioritize keeping ticket prices low, with about half of the tickets being the lowest price. Hila mentions that she was adamant about keeping prices affordable, even if it means less profit for herself. They also address rumors about Hila getting Botox and clarify the date and location of the show. Additionally, they mention the uncertainty of selling merchandise at the venue due to the Greek Theater's policy of having their own staff sell merchandise. The show is 18 and up, and they encourage fans to travel legally and consensually. Ethan also shares a romantic update about Jeff and Verita's long-distance relationship.
  • 00:15:00 In this section of the "Catching Up On All The Tea We Missed" H3 Show #2 video, the hosts discuss various topics, including their thoughts on a celebrity couple's recent adventure in Dubai. The speaker expresses hope for their success while acknowledging their personal connection to one of the individuals involved. They also touch upon the human rights situation in Dubai and the show's Game of Thrones meme, which leads to a conversation about relationships and family ties in the show. The conversation shifts to addressing rumors and controversies, with the hosts clarifying misconceptions and sharing their opinions on various topics. Overall, the segment covers a range of topics, from celebrity news to pop culture references.
  • 00:20:00 In this section of the YouTube video "Catching Up On All The Tea We Missed 💅 - H3 Show #2," the hosts discuss various topics, including the second season of a popular TV show and the identity of the Antichrist according to religious texts. There is friction in the office over the second season's release date and the quality of the show, which is not the same as the original with the same showrunners. The hosts express their confusion over the existence of multiple shows based on the same book, "Three Body Problem." Additionally, they discuss Kenneth Copeland's recent behavior and his potential identification as the Antichrist based on religious texts' identifying marks. The hosts find humor in the situation and share their thoughts on the matter.
  • 00:25:00 In this section of the YouTube video "Catching Up On All The Tea We Missed 💅 - H3 Show #2," the topic of conversation shifts to speculations about the identity of the Antichrist. Some viewers suggest that he may be a gay Jewish man with no regard for God or morality, as indicated in the Bible. Others propose that he will rise from the revived Roman Empire and desecrate the temple. The discussion gets sidetracked when the hosts introduce a new employee, Nate, who is a graphic designer, coder, and longtime H3 fan. Despite some technical difficulties, Nate expresses his excitement about joining the H3 team.
  • 00:30:00 In this section of the "Catching Up On All The Tea We Missed 💅 - H3 Show #2" YouTube video, a new employee named Nate, who has been working behind the scenes on the H3 show, reveals that he has been keeping his identity undisclosed due to receiving threats from both H3 fans and haters. He asserts that he is the new brains behind the show, having worked on it for the past 17 months, and expresses frustration over Ethan's impersonation of him. The conversation becomes chaotic as Ethan and Nate argue over their identities, with Nate threatening to end the call if Ethan continues to impersonate him. Nate shares that he has a master plan for the Ethan Klein show, which includes bringing back brand deals and securing partnerships with big companies, despite the controversy surrounding H3 in the past.
  • 00:35:00 In this section of the H3 Show #2, Ethan discusses potential collaborations and partnerships for his YouTube channel. He mentions considering bringing on Martin Scrilly due to his good ideas and funding. Ethan also mentions a paid partnership with Johnson and Johnson and an upcoming visit from Mark R. The conversation is interrupted by a call from Nate, who is harassed on screen, causing embarrassment for Ethan. Ethan expresses his suspicion that someone with a B haircut may be responsible for the harassment. He also shares his dislike for Oliver Tree's music and expresses excitement for Mark Rubba's upcoming visit. Ethan also shares a funny video of Kid Cudi falling off stage at Coachella and jokes about the incident.
  • 00:40:00 In this section of the H3 Show #2 YouTube video, titled "Catching Up On All The Tea We Missed 💅," the hosts discuss the unexpected injury of a celebrity, who suffered a broken ankle and had to cancel his tour. The audience expresses shock and sympathy, with some confusion about the exact location of the injury. The celebrity then releases a statement, clarifying that it was indeed his ankle that was broken, and he is headed for surgery with a long recovery time. He promises to refund ticket holders and reschedule tour dates as soon as possible. The hosts also mention another artist, Dave Grohl, who broke his leg and finished a show in agony, praising his dedication to performing. The conversation then shifts to the hosts' own struggles with technology during the livestream, as they deal with obstructed views and malfunctioning equipment.
  • 00:45:00 In this section of the "Catching Up On All The Tea We Missed" H3 Show #2 video, the hosts discuss an incident where one of them, AB, accidentally stepped on a wire during a live stream, potentially costing himself millions of dollars. They analyze the footage and discuss whether it was an intentional trip or not. Later, the conversation shifts to a product endorsement as Ethan expresses his enthusiasm for a new trail mix called Newtrail, praising its natural ingredients and low sugar content.
  • 00:50:00 In this section of the H3 Show #2 YouTube video, the speaker expresses her excitement about a gluten-free snack called "Trail Mix" from Nutrail, which comes in various flavors such as blueberry, cinnamon, Honey Nut, and cocoa. She praises its taste and health benefits, sharing that she enjoys it as cereal. The speaker also mentions that the snack is available at Walmart, Kroger, Costco, and Sam's Club, as well as on Amazon with a discount code for 25% off. Additionally, the speaker promotes, sharing that it has increased productivity by saving time on postage and shipping. She highlights the convenience and significant savings offered by the service.
  • 00:55:00 In this section of the H3 Show #2 video, the host receives a call from Ally, who expresses her love for The host agrees but cannot discuss it at the moment as she is with her kids. offers a special deal for viewers with the code H3, which includes a free four-week trial, free postage, and a free digital scale. The conversation then shifts to food, with the host discussing her preference for almond milk and her confusion over the meaning of "cfir" cheese. The discussion also touches on a missed opportunity to receive a large amount of Lebanese cheese from a company. The host expresses her passion for fair use and free speech and offers to put a content creator in touch with her attorney.

01:00:00 - 02:00:00

In the YouTube video "Catching Up On All The Tea We Missed 💅 - H3 Show #2," Abba shares an unexpected interaction with Ethan Klein, where Ethan offered help with a copyright issue, leading to a discussion on their past disagreements and friendship. The video also covers the unexpected popularity of the bizarre AI-generated music genre Cotton I Joe, as well as various topics, including Ryan Reynolds' upbringing, controversial incidents involving Ethan Klein and JoJo Siwa, and the excessive advertising on TikTok. The hosts also discuss a content creator named Kevin Leonardo, who was outed for inappropriate relationships with minors and running an educational sex Discord server. Throughout the video, the hosts maintain a lighthearted and entertaining tone while addressing various intriguing topics and controversies.

  • 01:00:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "Catching Up On All The Tea We Missed 💅 - H3 Show #2," Abba, the speaker, shares an unexpected interaction with Ethan Klein. Ethan reached out to Abba to offer his expertise on a copyright issue Abba was dealing with. Despite their past disagreements, Abba appreciated Ethan's help and acknowledged their friendship. Abba also mentioned the support he received from other YouTubers who made videos about the topic. The situation was resolved, and Abba expressed respect for Ethan's integrity. He also shared some light-hearted moments, like his change of opinion on Diddy and his kid's favorite song.
  • 01:05:00 In this section of the YouTube video "Catching Up On All The Tea We Missed 💅 - H3 Show #2," the host discusses the unexpected popularity of a bizarre AI-generated music genre called Cotton I Joe, which combines Cotton Candy-inspired lyrics with popular children's songs like the Ninja Turtles theme. The host expresses surprise at the large viewership, with some videos amassing millions of views. Despite its oddity, kids seem to be drawn to it, with one example being "Giga Gaga in Different Years 14 Billion BC." The host admits that he initially thought it was just a niche meme trend on social media, but was surprised to learn that it had become a children's entertainment phenomenon on YouTube. The conversation then shifts to an announcement about a code mix-up for a product, which is quickly rectified.
  • 01:10:00 In this section of the YouTube video "Catching Up On All The Tea We Missed 💅 - H3 Show #2," the hosts discuss a humorous Instagram post featuring two men walking in sync, with one appearing to be looking around nonchalantly while the other is oblivious. The hosts find the situation hilarious, despite some imperfections in the execution. They also mention a sponsor, Reese Lightning, and share a joke about the name. The conversation then shifts to discussing the behind-the-scenes aspects of the show and the need to make adjustments to the lighting.
  • 01:15:00 In this section of the "Catching Up On All The Tea We Missed 💅 - H3 Show #2" YouTube video, the hosts discuss various updates and shoutouts. They mention working on audio issues and setting up a new vacuum for their studio. A donation of $50 was made before the show, which they acknowledge and give a shoutout to the donor, Mrs. Maddie Madison, who introduced them to H3 and is getting married that Sunday. They also mention a $100 donation and express their support for Sam, who had received negative comments on a podcast. The hosts reflect on their past experiences with negative feedback and how it affected them, leading to Ethan's decision to quit producing videos that received negative reactions.
  • 01:20:00 In this section of the "Catching Up On All The Tea We Missed 💅 - H3 Show #2" YouTube video, the hosts discuss various topics, starting with Lena's desire to contribute to the show despite her busy schedule and different job. They also share humorous anecdotes, such as Ethan's "worst day of my life" being when his dog, Shredder, passed away. The conversation then shifts to reminiscing about old videos and controversies, including Cav Cav's content and Ethan's past experiences. They poke fun at Cav Cav's claims of growing up poor and Ethan's detractor's comments about his upbringing. Overall, the hosts maintain a lighthearted and entertaining tone throughout the discussion.
  • 01:25:00 In this section of the YouTube video "Catching Up On All The Tea We Missed 💅 - H3 Show #2," the hosts discuss Ryan Reynolds' upbringing and his experiences growing up in a middle-class family in Brentwood, contrasting it with the wealth of others in the area. Reynolds shared stories of taking the bus to school, having to walk long distances to get there, and his parents being young and sharing a car. He also mentioned that his father was a successful doctor but not rich. The hosts then speculate about the size and cost of Reynolds' childhood home in Brentwood and discuss the neighborhood's reputation for being expensive. They also touch upon Reynolds' past DUI and his career transition from MTV to becoming a successful actor.
  • 01:30:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "Catching Up On All The Tea We Missed 💅 - H3 Show #2," the host discusses a controversial incident involving Ethan Klein and a Muslim employee during the holy month of Ramadan. Footage emerged of Klein throwing alcohol on the employee, Abdullah, which led to immediate backlash and the employee's mic being cut off. Klein defends himself by stating that it was a lighthearted moment and that Abdullah was not sincerely upset. However, he acknowledges that the situation could be perceived as offensive and that he regrets the incident. The host also discusses JoJo Siwa's public appearance with known "predators" James Charles and Tom Sandoval, and expresses frustration that the Tom Sandoval clip, where Siwa carries him over her shoulder, is not included in the discussion. Overall, the section covers controversial incidents involving Ethan Klein and JoJo Siwa and the backlash they have received.
  • 01:35:00 In this section of the "Catching Up On All The Tea We Missed 💅 - H3 Show #2" YouTube video, the hosts discuss various topics that have gained attention in the news and online. One topic revolves around a conversation between ELA and a man named Gu, during which Gu allegedly admitted to killing his wife. The hosts express their fascination with the conversation and the potential implications of Gu's admission. Another topic covers Triller, a social media platform, and allegations of leaked private content from Ice Spice. The hosts express their confusion over how Triller continues to operate despite these allegations. Additionally, the hosts mention the signing of a TikTok band and their skepticism about the future of the platform. Overall, the section covers various intriguing topics and allegations that have gained attention in the online community.
  • 01:40:00 In this section of the "Catching Up On All The Tea We Missed" H3 Show #2 video, the speaker expresses her disdain for the excessive advertising and marketing on TikTok, which has led her to abandon the platform. She mentions the intrusive nature of ads and hidden content, as well as the financial incentives for creators to promote products. The speaker also touches upon a conspiracy theory regarding a YouTuber named David Dobrik and his apparent taunting of another YouTuber, Jeff, through a series of posts. Despite her skepticism, she acknowledges the possibility that there may be some truth to the theory. Overall, the speaker's frustration with TikTok's advertising tactics and her fascination with the David Dobrik conspiracy theory are the main topics of discussion in this part of the video.
  • 01:45:00 In this section of the H3 Show #2 YouTube video, titled "Catching Up On All The Tea We Missed 💅," Ethan and H3 discuss the possibility of David Dobrik trolling Jeffree Star. Ethan expresses his confusion over the situation, as he doesn't see any intentionality behind David's actions. He mentions that David's content is known for being inconsistent and that there have been similar incidents in the past. Ethan also shares his thoughts on the poll they conducted about whether or not David is trolling Jeffree, with 85% of the respondents answering yes. Ethan also mentions a previous incident involving David and Jeffree, where David mocked Jeffree's injury, which Ethan believes is a deeper cut and a more deliberate attempt to troll. Overall, the conversation revolves around the possibility of David's actions being intentional and the impact they may have on Jeffree's audience.
  • 01:50:00 In this section of the "Catching Up On All The Tea We Missed 💅 - H3 Show #2" YouTube video, the hosts discuss a content creator named Kevin Leonardo, who was outed for having inappropriate relationships with minors and running an educational sex Discord server with known minors. The hosts express their shock and disappointment, despite previously enjoying his content. They also share their initial confusion when they first saw him, as he reminded them of Chris Hansen from "To Catch a Predator." The conversation then shifts to fond memories of another content creator, Cam, who was known for his productivity and headphones. The hosts express their sadness that they won't be able to continue discussing Kevin's situation in depth due to time constraints.
  • 01:55:00 In this section of the YouTube video "Catching Up On All The Tea We Missed 💅 - H3 Show #2," the hosts discuss concerns regarding inappropriate content and potential minor involvement in an 18+ chat on a Discord server. Ian shares that Cam, who previously expressed a need for more collaboration with a user named Kev, has since disavowed this sentiment. The hosts then bring up Kev's handling of minors in the server, as explicit conversations were taking place in the 18+ chat, and Kev himself had conversations with a minor in the general chat. This situation is deemed highly inappropriate and negligent by the hosts. Additionally, they discuss another minor who claimed to be 13 and had access to the 18+ chat without age verification. The hosts express their disappointment in the situation and emphasize the importance of assuming underage users are present and acting accordingly to maintain a safe environment.

02:00:00 - 03:00:00

In the "Catching Up On All The Tea We Missed 💅 - H3 Show #2" YouTube video, the hosts discuss various topics including their encounter with a controversial figure named Kev, whose behavior and derogatory comments raised concerns. They also share their experiences with strong odors at Disneyland and the rap feud between Kendrick Lamar, Drake, and J. Cole. The hosts express their admiration for music artists like Michael Jackson and Stevie Wonder and discuss controversies in the YouTube community involving AB and JoJo Siwa. They also touch on their own experiences with online backlash and demonetization by YouTube. Additionally, they discuss Pearl Davis' fallout with Steven Crowder and the controversy surrounding her defense of him.

  • 02:00:00 In this section of the YouTube video "Catching Up On All The Tea We Missed 💅 - H3 Show #2," the hosts discuss their encounter with a controversial figure named Kev, whose behavior and comments raised concerns. They recounted an incident where they discovered a disturbing video of Kev, which included graphic content and insensitive remarks. The hosts expressed their belief that Kev's actions were inappropriate and potentially racist, as he made derogatory comments about Indians and their supposed ability to smell deeply. Despite this, they acknowledged that not all of his statements could be taken at face value, as he often used provocative language to gain attention. The hosts also mentioned that Kev had been banned from hosting fights in Florida due to a fighter sustaining brain damage at one of his events. They concluded by sharing their disapproval of Kev's behavior and comments, and cautioning their audience to be aware of his presence on social media.
  • 02:05:00 In this section of the YouTube video "Catching Up On All The Tea We Missed 💅 - H3 Show #2," the speaker discusses an incident where they encountered some Indians at Disneyland who had a strong, unpleasant odor. They initially assumed it was due to their genetics, but later learned it was caused by their diet, specifically the use of onions, garlic, and other spices. The speaker also mentions that one of their associates, Aiden Ross, had one of his fighters sustain brain damage during a previous event. Instead of expressing concern, Aiden Ross joked about the situation and was given the option to either switch to MMA or kickboxing for future events. Despite the increased difficulty and time commitment of MMA, Aiden Ross chose to go with kickboxing due to the similar format and the loose regulations of the Florida boxing commission.
  • 02:10:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "Catching Up On All The Tea We Missed 💅 - H3 Show #2," the host discusses the perceived hip-hop feud between Drake, J. Cole, and Kendrick Lamar. The host expresses their opinion that the situation was blown out of proportion and that Kendrick's superiority in rap is not debatable. The controversy began when Kendrick referenced Drake and J. Cole in a verse, leading to speculation of a beef between the artists. The host also mentions that Drake has been unhinged on social media, dropping diss tracks about Kendrick, and that Kendrick is rumored to be working on a new album that will likely address the situation. Additionally, there are allegations of intellectual property theft regarding the use of Tupac's likeness in Drake's music. Overall, the host sees the situation as a rap civil war and believes that Kendrick will "burn" Drake alive with his response.
  • 02:15:00 In this section of the "Catching Up On All The Tea We Missed" H3 Show #2 video, the discussion revolves around the rap feud between Kendrick Lamar, Drake, and J. Cole. Kendrick and Cole have been asserting their positions as top rappers, with Kendrick even starting a league that didn't sit well with Kendrick. The tension between the artists led to various diss tracks, with Kendrick taking shots at Drake and Cole, referencing Prince and Michael Jackson's beef, and using the term "K9" to call out Drake and Cole. The feud reportedly started when Metro Boomin unfollowed Drake on Instagram, and Kendrick and Metro have a history of collaborating. The artists' dislike for each other can be traced back to their fame and a rivalry, with Prince and Michael Jackson's dislike serving as an example.
  • 02:20:00 In this section of the H3 Show #2 YouTube video, the hosts discuss their admiration for various music artists, specifically Michael Jackson and Stevie Wonder. They reminisce about the iconic "We Are The World" recording session where Bob Dylan struggled to find his key and Stevie Wonder stepped in to help. The hosts also share their favorite songs by Stevie Wonder and express their admiration for his musical abilities and prolific career. They also touch on rumors regarding Stevie Wonder's blindness and share their own experiences with his music.
  • 02:25:00 In this section of the YouTube video "Catching Up On All The Tea We Missed 💅 - H3 Show #2," the hosts discuss various topics, including a viral video of a woman wearing a controversial outfit and an incident where one of them, AB, was criticized for driving inconsiderably on the freeway. AB defended his actions, stating that he was used to the chaotic driving conditions in Dearborn and was trying to get to work on time. The hosts also clarified that AB did not use an exit lane to skip traffic, but rather merged into the lane when the opportunity presented itself. Despite the backlash, AB took down the original video due to the intense reactions from viewers. The hosts concluded that people were taking the situation too seriously and that AB did not break any laws.
  • 02:30:00 In this section of the "Catching Up On All The Tea We Missed 💅 - H3 Show #2" YouTube video, the hosts discuss a controversial driving incident involving a friend named Dan. Dan was criticized for cutting in front of traffic on the freeway, leading to accusations of racism and disrespect. Dan defended himself, stating that it was a common practice in their area and that the traffic would move faster if more people used the lane. The conversation escalated with threats and insults, leading to a poll on whether Dan should be forgiven or fired. The hosts also shared experiences of driving in their hometown and joked about the situation. Overall, the section highlights the intense reactions and language used in online discussions, as well as the importance of understanding cultural norms and practices.
  • 02:35:00 In this section of the "Catching Up On All The Tea We Missed" H3 Show #2 video, the hosts discuss various controversies in the YouTube community. AB has been forgiven for past actions, but now has beef with JoJo Siwa. The hosts speculate about why AB might dislike JoJo, and discuss a situation where AB entered an exit-only lane on the freeway. The law is debated, with some arguing that it's not a big deal and others insisting that it could result in a ticket. The conversation then shifts back to AB and JoJo's feud, with the hosts expressing confusion over why AB is targeting JoJo when James Charles, who was previously involved in a similar situation, was given a pass. The hosts also discuss the possibility that AB is responding to a TikTok made by JoJo's girlfriend, Natalie, and express their belief that both parties were being mild in their online interactions. The conversation ends with the hosts commenting on JoJo's desire to be taken seriously and the perceived overreaction to the situation.
  • 02:40:00 In this section of the "Catching Up On All The Tea We Missed" H3 Show #2 video, the hosts discuss various celebrities and their public personas. Miley Cyrus is mentioned for trying too hard to be different, while JoJo is described as a softy. The hosts express surprise over their own support for JoJo and discuss Trisha and Tana's collaborations. Nick Vile is criticized for his recent shift towards serious interviews on his podcast, which was previously known for being lighthearted. The hosts also share their opinions on The Bachelor franchise, expressing disappointment in recent seasons and the decision to introduce "golden" contestants. Overall, the conversation revolves around celebrities and their public images, as well as the hosts' personal opinions on various entertainment figures and shows.
  • 02:45:00 In this section of the "Catching Up On All The Tea We Missed 💅 - H3 Show #2" YouTube video, the hosts discuss various topics, including their continued support for Tana from "The Bachelor" franchise and Jimmy Lee's health scare. Tana's loyalty and kindness are praised, with the hosts expressing their appreciation for her graciousness and support. Jimmy Lee experienced a health crisis involving high blood pressure and was hospitalized, but has since recovered and plans to visit in May. The hosts express their concern for Jimmy Lee's absence and their excitement for his upcoming visit. Additionally, they discuss Ethan's take on the movie "Greece" and Pearl deleting her videos in an attempt to regain monetization.
  • 02:50:00 In this section of the "H3 Show #2" YouTube video titled "Catching Up On All The Tea We Missed 💅," the creators discuss their past experience with being demonetized by YouTube. They explain that they were initially told they were demonetized for using a specific word, but later learned that it was due to the use of a transphobic slur, even though they had not intended to use it in that way. The creators express frustration that YouTube did not communicate clearly why their channel was being demonetized and had to delete thousands of videos as a result. They also share their disappointment in the process and their hope to be remonetized in the future.
  • 02:55:00 In this section of the "H3 Show #2" YouTube video, the hosts discuss the controversial figure Pearl Davis and her recent fallout with another YouTuber, Steven Crowder. Davis was banned from YouTube for hate speech and her views have significantly decreased. The hosts criticize her for defending Crowder despite allegations of abuse. They also mention an incident where Davis refused to handle medication for Crowder's dog due to its teratogenic properties, and how this led to a controversy. Additionally, a labor lawyer reached out to Crowder's ex-employee, Jared, regarding their situation after their previous discussion on the show.

03:00:00 - 03:45:00

In the "Catching Up On All The Tea We Missed 💅 - H3 Show #2" YouTube video, the hosts discuss various topics including legal cases involving content creators, Amazon Prime's marketing strategies and controversies, NFTs, defamation, and Ethan Klein's alleged dishonesty. One case discussed was about Jared, a content creator under a non-compete and non-disparagement agreement with Steven Crowder, which was deemed illegal due to its broad scope. The hosts also mentioned the Federal Trade Commission's recent ban on non-competes nationwide. Another topic was Amazon Prime's expansion and controversy regarding "forever chemicals" in their products. The hosts also discussed Ethan Klein's NFT collection and accusations of scamming, as well as his past criticisms and defamation allegations. The conversation touched upon the challenges of proving defamation against public figures and the potential consequences for both parties involved. The hosts expressed their frustration over Ethan's lack of accountability and called for consequences for defamatory actions. Other topics included noisy neighbors, old video games, and the power of rehabilitation and forgiveness. Throughout the conversation, the hosts provided their unique perspectives and insights on these topics.

  • 03:00:00 In this section of the H3 Show #2 YouTube video, the hosts discuss a legal case involving a content creator named Jared, who was under a non-compete and non-disparagement agreement with Steven Crowder. The agreement was deemed illegal by a labor lawyer due to its broad scope, and the National Labor Relations Board was involved. The hosts also mention that the Federal Trade Commission had recently banned non-competes nationwide. The conversation then shifts to a discussion about Jared's marriage and a mistake he made regarding the number of years he had been married. The hosts express shock over the estimated half a million deaths in the ongoing war in Ukraine between Russia and Ukraine, with most casualties being Russian soldiers. The conversation then returns to the topic of the gaffes in the video.
  • 03:05:00 In this section of the H3 Show #2 YouTube video, the hosts discuss various topics, including Amazon Prime's marketing strategies and its recent controversy regarding the presence of "forever chemicals." They also mention a new Ethan hate video accusing him of an NFT scam. The hosts express their disbelief that people are still creating similar hate videos, with one of them admitting that they had previously made fun of NFTs themselves. They comment on Ethan's ability to get away with the NFT collection by presenting it as a joke to his audience. Despite the controversy, Amazon Prime continues to grow and expand its reach.
  • 03:10:00 In this section of the "Catching Up On All The Tea We Missed 💅 - H3 Show #2" YouTube video, the hosts discuss their experience selling Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) and the accusations of it being a scam. They clarify that there was no scam involved as people bid on the items and received the NFTs in return. The hosts also share their initial skepticism about the success of the NFTs but were surprised when people bought them. The conversation then shifts to a new trend in Oakland, California, where people are installing "whistle tips" in their car mufflers to make the cars loud for nearly a mile. The hosts find the trend hilarious and express their excitement about the installation on their own cars.
  • 03:15:00 In this section of the H3 Show #2 YouTube video, titled "Catching Up On All The Tea We Missed 💅," the host discusses various topics, including noisy neighbors and old video games. Some Oakland residents complain about the noise makers in their neighborhood, with one resident, Arcelo Cabrera, planning to continue installing them despite opposition. The host reminisces about old video games and the comments on related videos. The conversation then shifts to Ethan's NFT collection, with the host expressing concern over Ethan being labeled a scammer, despite not engaging in any wrongdoing or running a scam. The host argues that defamation is not a joke and that people should be careful with their words, especially online. The conversation continues with a discussion about the differences between Ethan's and Logan Paul's NFT collections and the potential legal consequences of defamation.
  • 03:20:00 In this section of the H3 Show #2 video, the topic shifts to discussions around defamation, NFTs, and Ethan's past criticisms. The speaker, who is known for being one of the most criticized individuals on YouTube, shares his thoughts on the potential consequences of suing someone for defamation. He mentions that he has never taken down any criticism and that selling NFTs, even as a joke, does not make one a hypocrite. The conversation then moves to Ethan's past criticism of a crypto meme coin called Dink Doink, and the speaker defends himself against accusations of scamming. He emphasizes that the sale of NFTs was not a cash grab and that the participants received a fair exchange. The speaker also expresses concern over the prevalence of malicious lying and defamation on YouTube and the potential legal repercussions.
  • 03:25:00 In this section of the YouTube video "Catching Up On All The Tea We Missed 💅 - H3 Show #2," the hosts discuss Ethan Klein's alleged dishonesty regarding a video title change and the potential consequences of his actions. They express frustration over Klein's lack of accountability and the ease with which he seems to change information, while also touching on the challenges of proving defamation against public figures. The hosts also mention the large number of views and engagement Ethan's videos receive, making it a significant issue. They question why Ethan continues to defame others and suggest that there should be consequences for such actions. The conversation also touches on the idea of jokes being free and the potential for defamation lawsuits.
  • 03:30:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "Catching Up On All The Tea We Missed 💅 - H3 Show #2," Ethan Klein is accused of being a scammer based on edited footage from a previous video. Klein is seen expressing concern about a video by "King of Nothing" that allegedly defamed him, and he contemplates suing the individual. The conversation shifts to discussing the possibility of a rug pull, which is a term used in cryptocurrency for a fraudulent scheme where investors are deceived and then left with worthless tokens. Klein's past involvement in NFT sales becomes a point of contention, with some viewers accusing him of hypocrisy. The discussion continues with various suggestions on how Klein should respond, including a cease and desist letter or a public apology. Overall, the conversation revolves around the allegations against Ethan Klein and the potential consequences for both parties involved.
  • 03:35:00 In this section of the "Catching Up On All The Tea We Missed" H3 Show #2 video, the hosts discuss Ethan's involvement in NFTs and allegations of scamming fans. Ethan is accused of selling NFTs as investments, which are now worthless, and refunding only one fan. The hosts also criticize Ethan for moving on to criticizing other influencers' NFT projects instead of taking accountability for his actions. Additionally, they bring up old jokes and allegations against Ethan, including denying food to an employee and being caught alone in public places. The hosts express their disappointment in Ethan's behavior and call him a pathological liar. The video's fans are also mentioned, as they have been holding the line and discussing the issue. The hosts plan to spend more time discussing Ethan's past actions in future videos.
  • 03:40:00 In this section of the "Catching Up On All The Tea We Missed" H3 Show #2 video, the hosts discuss the concept of giving people second chances and the internet's tendency to focus on individuals' worst moments. The conversation shifts to a specific individual, who has been accused of promoting gambling, using homophobic language, and racism, among other things. The hosts suggest that this person should erase the controversial video and make a public apology to move past the situation. They also touch upon the individual's past involvement with PPP loans and criticisms of government handouts. Despite the controversy, the hosts express their belief in the power of rehabilitation and forgiveness. The conversation ends with the hosts looking forward to upcoming content, including a green screen tournament and the involvement of Ela.
  • 03:45:00 In this section of the H3 Show #2, Ethan and Hila Klein discuss various topics that have recently gained popularity on social media. They begin by talking about the controversy surrounding TikTok and its potential data collection practices. Ethan shares his experience of being doxxed and the impact it had on his family. They also touch upon the ongoing drama between Jake Paul and Tana Mongeau, and Ethan's thoughts on their relationship. Additionally, they discuss the viral trend of "Drake's Hotline Bling" challenge and Ethan's participation in it. The duo then shares their thoughts on the recent controversy surrounding the YouTuber Shane Dawson and his past behavior towards minors. They express their disappointment and concern over the situation. Throughout the conversation, they provide their unique perspectives and insights on these topics, making for an engaging and informative watch.

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