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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

In this section, Juan Carlos Monedero discusses the strategy of "lawfare" being used against Podemos and its members. He highlights the various legal cases and accusations that have been brought against the party, many of which have been proven false or dismissed. Monedero emphasizes the harassment and targeted attacks that Podemos has faced and argues that these cases are part of a larger effort to undermine and dismantle the party. He raises concerns about the lack of due process and the denial of the right to defense for those who are accused. Monedero concludes by thanking the audience for their support and vowing not to be silenced by these persecutions.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, the speaker introduces the topic of lawfare, which refers to the use of the judicial system to target and harm political opponents. They discuss various cases that have been filed against Podemos, a political party in Spain, including accusations of money laundering, electoral fraud, and falsifying accounts. Many of these cases have been dismissed, but the speaker emphasizes the continued harassment and targeted attacks against Podemos and its members. They argue that these cases are part of a larger strategy to dismantle and undermine the party.
  • 00:05:00 In this section, Juan Carlos Monedero discusses the various legal proceedings and accusations that have been brought against the leadership of Podemos, including himself. These accusations range from electoral fraud to misappropriation of funds. He emphasizes that these allegations have been proven to be false, but there are still pending cases. Monedero raises concerns about the lack of due process and the denial of the right to defense for those being accused. He also highlights the danger of these actions to democracy and the attempt to manipulate election results. Monedero concludes by thanking the audience for their support and acknowledging the presence of infiltrators, but stating that he will not let these persecutions silence him.
  • 00:10:00 In this section, Juan Carlos Monedero expresses his concern about the treatment that Podemos and the left-wing face in the current political landscape. He ponders the paradox in which the left, who seek to change the system and address societal shortcomings, are the ones defending democracy, while the right, who benefit from inequalities and exploit the system, are the ones undermining it. Monedero highlights the numerous tactics employed by the right, including using government resources, manipulating media, and even resorting to personal attacks. He concludes that perhaps the left has been naive in believing in the true democracy of the system, as the right will use any means necessary to subvert the electoral results.
  • 00:15:00 In this section, Juan Carlos Monedero discusses the tactics of the media and political opponents in using any case to attack and create suspicion around Podemos. He highlights the example of an individual from the PP who accused Podemos of theft, comparing him to a foolish person who continues on a path that leads to nowhere. Monedero also mentions the influence of the media in shaping public opinion, as well as the manipulative strategies used by those in power to achieve their objectives even if cases are ultimately dismissed. He warns of the naivety in thinking that playing by the rules will lead to victory, emphasizing the need for a realistic understanding of the political landscape.
  • 00:20:00 In this section, Juan Carlos Monedero discusses the pressures and challenges faced by Podemos due to the risk country interest rate and the economic crisis in Greece. He highlights how democracies are tied and how governments face difficulties in governing under such circumstances. Monedero also emphasizes the importance of not giving up and not allowing fear to dominate, as it would mean giving in to those who want to oppress and control politicians. He further explains that although the state has its own inertia and obstacles, it is crucial to be part of the government apparatus in order to bring about change. Monedero also points out that despite the adversaries having some control over the judiciary, media, police, and bureaucrats, they do not have absolute power, and there have been instances where progress has been made.
  • 00:25:00 In this section, Juan Carlos Monedero discusses the concept of "lawfare" and its impact on Podemos. He explains how the combination of judicial accusations, police involvement, and media coverage resembles terrorism in its ability to instill fear. Monedero highlights that people are constantly bombarded with accusations and the potential consequences, leading to a sense of internal attack within political parties. This constant siege mentality not only affects public perception but also generates paranoia and divisions within political organizations. Monedero emphasizes that this kind of relentless persecution undermines democracy and contrasts it with the impunity enjoyed by figures like the Spanish king. He concludes by questioning the meaning of democracy when individuals are targeted while others go unpunished.
  • 00:30:00 In this section, Juan Carlos Monedero discusses the psychological impact of the constant legal attacks against Podemos. He explains that being constantly under attack can lead to bitterness and mistrust, as well as a sense of isolation. Monedero also highlights the indirect goal of these attacks, which is to erode the confidence and trust within the party. He emphasizes the importance of knowing one's political lineage and the responsibility to continue fighting for the rights of those who came before. Monedero concludes by expressing gratitude towards those who have fought and suffered for social justice, stating that they will not give up.
  • 00:35:00 In this section, a lawyer expresses his gratitude towards Juan Carlos Monedero for being a great client who never pressured him despite facing constant negative media coverage. He highlights that the legal proceedings against Monedero and Podemos, initiated by Vox and the Popular Party, aimed to uncover illegal financing but failed to find any evidence. The lawyer criticizes the use of "lawfare" tactics, where the rules of regular criminal proceedings are disregarded, such as not allowing the defense to access relevant information. He explains that the investigations went beyond Monedero himself, delving into unrelated matters like the purchase of a motorcycle and donations made by others. The lawyer mentions that while some colleagues have been cleared, there are still ongoing proceedings. He concludes by stating that the outcome of the case is uncertain, as the defense will challenge the decision to dismiss the charges, and previous rulings have not been favorable to them. However, he emphasizes that winning or losing the case does not define their cause, as they have already fought against unfair treatment and "lawfare".
  • 00:40:00 In this section, Juan Carlos Monedero discusses the legal proceedings against him and emphasizes that if it had been a normal case, the judge would have quickly followed the procedure. He highlights that despite presenting evidence to prove his innocence, the procedure has been unnecessarily prolonged. Monedero also highlights the opposition of the fiscal to the dismissal of the case, noting that the fiscal has been biased throughout the process. He emphasizes the political nature of the trial and the role played by certain judges and the fiscal in persecuting Podemos. Monedero warns that this kind of legal persecution can happen to anyone, and highlights the danger of false reports and biased prosecution.
  • 00:45:00 In this section, Juan Carlos Monedero discusses the concept of "lawfare" and how it has been used against Podemos. He argues that tactics used to fight terrorism are now being employed against political opponents, which he finds very serious. He criticizes the use of secret actions by prosecutors and mentions the tactics used by certain individuals connected to the PP and Vox to gain access to sensitive documents. Monedero also talks about the false statements made by the UDEF (a police unit) regarding his emails and emphasizes his willingness to have his emails examined. He concludes by highlighting the extent to which his personal life has been targeted by these tactics.
  • 00:50:00 In this section, Juan Carlos Monedero discusses the issue of forged invoices and the battle they had in court over who should analyze the emails in question. He explains that the judge insisted the UDEF (a Spanish police unit) should have access to the emails, while Monedero argued that it should be the cybercrime department of the police who analyzes them. Eventually, the cybercrime department confirmed the existence of the email and stated that the invoice is not false. Monedero also criticizes the influence of politics in the judiciary and police, pointing out that not all members of the UDEF are biased but that the system enables political favoritism. He emphasizes the need for reparations for the damage caused by false accusations, stating that there should be consequences for those who spread lies. Monedero concludes that it is time for action to demand accountability and justice.
  • 00:55:00 In this section, the speaker addresses a question related to the Pact of the Moncloa and its potential impact on the attempted coup in Spain in 1981. The speaker clarifies that the Pact of the Moncloa, which involved negotiations between unions and employers, occurred before the Spanish Constitution was established. They highlight that the Popular Party did not support the political aspect of the pact, but did support the economic aspect. The speaker suggests that the pact served the purpose of reducing workers' salaries. Additionally, the speaker reflects on the media, political parties, and judicial attacks against Podemos, acknowledging that they have achieved some of their intended consequences. The speaker also shares a personal anecdote about the emotional toll of these attacks. Finally, the speaker mentions a campaign conducted by American religious groups against the Nestle Corporation, which led to a significant mortality rate among children due to the promotion of formula instead of breastfeeding in areas lacking clean water. The speaker connects this example to the strategy of dividing and conquering movements by hiring intelligence personnel.

01:00:00 - 01:25:00

In this video, Juan Carlos Monedero discusses the concept of lawfare being used against Podemos and emphasizes the need for unity and cooperation to challenge the neoliberal model. He reflects on the impact of constant attacks and stigmatization by the media and encourages staying optimistic in the fight for social justice and democracy. Monedero also addresses the impact of neoliberalism on society, the challenges faced by the capitalist system, and the importance of maintaining spaces and unity within the left. He concludes by urging everyone to do their part in creating a better future.

  • 01:00:00 In this section, Juan Carlos Monedero discusses the strategy of isolating radicals within the party and differentiating them from idealists and opportunists. He explains that this strategy is useful in dealing with the attacks and lawsuits that are often directed towards radicals. Monedero also shares an anecdote about a student who came to him and expressed concerns about how his actions were damaging the party. He reflects on the impact of being constantly attacked and stigmatized by the media and how it changes one's life when you stop being a targeted individual.
  • 01:05:00 In this section, Juan Carlos Monedero discusses the opposition that the powerful and privileged always have against change. He acknowledges that the mechanisms used against progressive movements, like lawfare, can be even worse. However, he emphasizes the importance of not losing hope and continuing to fight for social justice and democracy. Monedero believes that defeating the Spanish Republic did not mean giving up, as it led to the current imperfect democracy. He also highlights the need for unity and cooperation with other European countries to challenge the neoliberal model that has legally protected the status quo. Despite the challenges and complexities, Monedero remains an optimistic pessimist, recognizing the difficulties but holding onto hope for a better future.
  • 01:10:00 In this section, Juan Carlos Monedero discusses the impact of neoliberalism, which he argues has led to the commodification of various aspects of society and weakened the social fabric. He highlights that neoliberalism was consolidated not by the right, but by left-wing leaders such as Clinton, Felipe González, and Tony Blair. Monedero also points out the contradictions within the current system, with elites victimizing themselves while advocating for a libertarian form of communism. He emphasizes that the situation is not ideal, as the elites have influenced institutions such as the police, military, and international legal system. However, he also acknowledges the importance of addressing environmental and feminist issues to prevent falling into ecofascism and ensure fair wages and care work.
  • 01:15:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the challenges faced by the capitalist system, such as aging populations and migration, which can be resolved either through right-wing or left-wing approaches. They emphasize the importance of continuing the fight, even though it may not be easy, and encourage a pessimistic yet hopeful mindset. The speaker shares a poem that highlights the perseverance of beauty and asks why it continues to exist if everything is futile. The conversation then transitions to the success of Podemos and how they were able to establish a new political party and gain a significant number of seats in a short amount of time, ultimately reshaping the political landscape in Spain.
  • 01:20:00 In this section, Juan Carlos Monedero reflects on how Podemos was able to generate enthusiasm and support from the public. He attributes their success to their connections with the 15M movement, their bold proposals, and their ability to engage in debates with political opponents. However, he also acknowledges that they made mistakes and faced a coordinated attack from various government institutions. Monedero believes that the current political climate in Spain is chaotic and argues that Podemos should be the driving force for all left-wing parties. However, he expresses concern about the internal conflicts within Podemos and emphasizes the need for unity.
  • 01:25:00 In this section, Juan Carlos Monedero emphasizes the importance of maintaining spaces and unity within the left. He expresses his concern over the statement made by some individuals that the unity of the left is a phantom that needs to be eradicated. He argues that without unity, it is impossible to build a useful tool for the people and urges everyone not to give up, take breaks when needed, and return stronger. Monedero shares a story about a hummingbird who, despite being mocked by other animals for its futile attempt to put out a forest fire with a drop of water, responds by saying that it is doing its part. He encourages everyone to do their part and thanks the audience for their optimism and joy.

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