Summary of El Ecosistema de la DESINFORMACIÓN de Rusia. ¿Y Ucrania, qué? By TRU

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

In the YouTube video "El Ecosistema de la DESINFORMACIÓN de Rusia. ¿Y Ucrania, qué?" by TRU, the host discusses the Russian disinformation ecosystem and its impact on various audiences with expert Carlos Galán. Galán, a professor of international relations at the Carlos III University in Madrid, shares insights on Russia's tactics, such as supporting disruptive narratives and figures, and the use of bots and trolls. The conversation touches upon the importance of identifying these tactics and being aware of supposedly independent experts or analysts who spread the same narratives as Russian trolls. The speakers also discuss the historical context of NATO expansion, the issue of censorship and freedom of expression, and China's use of Russian media to disseminate information that deviates from the official narrative. Throughout the discussion, the importance of being informed, critical, and aware of potential disinformation campaigns is emphasized.

  • 00:00:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "El Ecosistema de la DESINFORMACIÓN de Rusia. ¿Y Ucrania, qué?" by TRU, the host welcomes his new friend and expert on information and disinformation, Carlos Galán. Galán is a professor of international relations at the Carlos III University in Madrid, and he has worked with the European Parliament on the topic of Russia's influence and disinformation tactics. The discussion revolves around identifying Russia's methods of disinformation and how it affects different audiences, such as Spain, the UK, France, and Latin America. Russia's tactics include supporting disruptive narratives and figures that go against democratic states. The challenge lies in identifying these tactics, as Russia adapts to the ecosystem and audience it targets. The conversation also touches upon the use of bots and trolls, with Galán noting that Russia may not rely on automated voices but rather on organic user behavior. The expert warns about the danger of supposedly independent experts or analysts who spread the same narratives as Russian trolls, making it crucial for the public to be aware and discerning.
  • 00:05:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "El Ecosistema de la DESINFORMACIÓN de Rusia. ¿Y Ucrania, qué?" by TRU, the speaker discusses the existence of Russian bots that influence people and spread disinformation. These bots contribute to the spread of narratives that Russia supports, often on social media platforms like Twitter. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding the source of these narratives and their reliability, as well as respecting freedom of speech. The speaker also mentions Russia's recent censorship of criticism towards its military groups and its implementation of new regulations that prohibit such criticism. The speaker argues that this is not censorship but the protection of rights, and that Western countries should not defend Russian media outlets like RT and Sputnik as they are simply propaganda outlets for Russia. The speaker encourages viewers to be aware of this and to critically evaluate the sources of information they consume.
  • 00:10:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "El Ecosistema de la DESINFORMACIÓN de Rusia. ¿Y Ucrania, qué?" by TRU, the speaker discusses the issue of misinformation and propaganda in relation to Russia and Ukraine. The speaker notes that countries like Venezuela, which have authoritarian regimes, have no problem accessing Russian media. However, the problem lies in the exaggerated and inconsistent messages put out by these media outlets, specifically RT and Sputnik, regarding the alleged invasion of Ukraine by Russia. The speaker points out that these outlets denied the invasion was happening, but later defended Russia when it did occur. The speaker also mentions the controversy surrounding Hunter Biden and his alleged business dealings in Ukraine, which were used to justify various actions against the country. The speaker advises taking a nuanced approach to understanding the situation and separating fact from fiction.
  • 00:15:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "El Ecosistema de la DESINFORMACIÓN de Rusia. ¿Y Ucrania, qué?" by TRU, the speaker discusses the importance of controlling information in wars and provides historical examples of false flags and their consequences. He mentions that societies, including those in the US and Spain, have distinct ways of handling such issues and that criticism is essential for any entity or individual. The speaker also acknowledges his encounter with Carlos, a fellow speaker, during a conference and expresses admiration for him. The conversation then shifts to expressing appreciation for Javier Valencia and Geoide, who are also present in the video. The speakers plan to collaborate on future projects. Overall, the section emphasizes the significance of information control in conflicts and the importance of criticism and collaboration.
  • 00:20:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "El Ecosistema de la DESINFORMACIÓN de Rusia. ¿Y Ucrania, qué?" by TRU, the speaker acknowledges that he has previously focused on weapons and history but wants to address the issue of disinformation, specifically from Russia. He emphasizes the importance of understanding that there are two conflicting parties, each with their own interests. The speaker criticizes the propaganda, which can be misleading and manipulative, and encourages viewers to be aware of it. He provides examples of manipulated information, such as a fake image of a Western tank being destroyed in Ukraine, and the manipulation of a rapper's protest in Madrid. The speaker also mentions Russia's powerful media influence and its ability to present truths while masking deceit. He warns of impending disinformation campaigns, such as Finland's potential admission into NATO, and encourages viewers to be informed about historical contexts and conflicts in Eastern Europe.
  • 00:25:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "El Ecosistema de la DESINFORMACIÓN de Rusia. ¿Y Ucrania, qué?" by TRU, the speaker discusses the historical context of NATO expansion and the tensions between Russia and neighboring countries. According to the speaker, countries in the Baltic region, such as Estonia, have experienced significant Russian anxiety for a long time. He argues that NATO's expansion is a response to the need for collective defense, as no country can defend itself alone. The speaker also acknowledges that countries in NATO are not passive entities and have their interests to protect. He emphasizes that the geopolitical scene is complex, with various global powers involved in the hegemonic struggle, particularly in the areas of arms industries and oil. The speaker also reflects on the importance of understanding the root causes of the ongoing conflict and acknowledges that Russia has contributed to the escalation. He concludes by emphasizing the importance of collective defense and fulfilling obligations under international pacts. The speaker also acknowledges potential misconceptions and clarifies that Spain, for example, has economic challenges and must protect its interests while also helping a country under invasion.
  • 00:30:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "El Ecosistema de la DESINFORMACIÓN de Rusia. ¿Y Ucrania, qué?" by TRU, the speaker discusses the issue of censorship and freedom of expression, specifically in the context of Spain and Russia. The speaker mentions that in Spain, there are no clear red lines when it comes to criticizing leaders or using certain platforms, but there are community guidelines that can lead to the suspension of channels. The speaker, who is an advocate for data protection and a lawyer specializing in production, advises viewers to be aware of the permissions they give to platforms like YouTube, which is a private entity with its interests. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of free speech and expression, but notes that those who do not contribute value to society should be excluded. The speaker then compares Russia and China, stating that China has more resources and diplomatic efforts to influence countries, and mentions that while there are extremist right and left media outlets in Europe, the problem arises when the narratives come from countries that are objectively lying. The speaker also mentions that Russia is more aggressive and noisy in its approach.
  • 00:35:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "El Ecosistema de la DESINFORMACIÓN de Rusia. ¿Y Ucrania, qué?" by TRU, the speaker discusses how China uses Russian media to disseminate information that deviates from the official narrative. The speaker explains that China's diplomacy has adopted aggressive characteristics, and when it wants to go against the official narrative, it uses Russian media to do so. The speaker mentions the cases of the COVID-19 pandemic and Nancy Pelosi's visits to Taiwan as examples. The speaker also mentions specific journalists, such as Pepe Escobar and Alfredo Jalife, who consistently support Russia's version of events and are imitated by proxies to amplify their messages. China's communication system is brutal, and only a few profiles have significant influence. The speaker expresses that they are discovering new things about the influence of these media outlets and the importance of being aware of potential trolls.
  • 00:40:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "El Ecosistema de la DESINFORMACIÓN de Rusia. ¿Y Ucrania, qué?" by TRU, the speaker discusses the issue of Russian experts and analysts who only promote Russia's version of events without being criticized. The speaker specifically mentions Alfredo Jalife-Rahme, who is criticized for consistently supporting Russia's official version and being a paid propagandist. The speaker also mentions RT and Sputnik as a small part of Russia's propaganda ecosystem, but the real problem lies with other proxies that hide their Russian funding. Margarita Simonyan, the editor-in-chief of RT and Sputnik, has never publicly denied that they are funded by the Kremlin. The speaker argues that it was a mistake to only ban RT and Sputnik, as other proxies cause more harm by hiding their Russian financing.
  • 00:45:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "El Ecosistema de la DESINFORMACIÓN de Rusia. ¿Y Ucrania, qué?" by TRU, the speaker discusses the Russian disinformation ecosystem and specifically mentions the website Diario Octubre as an example of a pro-Russian media outlet. According to the speaker, this media outlet, which is based in Spain, is not independent as it claims but has direct ties to Russian intelligence or troll centers. The speaker recommends viewing a document from the US Department of State called "The Pillars of Russia's Propaganda Ecosystem" for more information. The speaker also provides tips on how to identify pro-Russian media in Spanish and shows an example of how to find Diario Octubre on the web. The speaker notes that this media outlet, along with others like RT, Sputnik, and Iran's Press TV, consistently supports Russian narratives and criticizes democratic countries. The problem, according to the speaker, is that when these media outlets promote narratives from outside a country, they can cause harm without adding value. The speaker points out that many of these media outlets share similar characteristics, such as criticizing liberal democracies and accusing them of various negative things with impunity.
  • 00:50:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "El Ecosistema de la DESINFORMACIÓN de Rusia. ¿Y Ucrania, qué?" by TRU, the speaker discusses how Russia has created an ecosystem of disinformation through various media outlets. Global Research is identified as the second-largest source of health-related misinformation, with content promoting conspiracy theories about COVID-19 vaccines and false narratives about non-existent events, such as the hologram 9/11 Towers. The speaker also mentions October, a platform for the extreme left, which promotes anti-NATO and anti-European Union narratives and has supported various groups and individuals, including Russian officials and state media personnel. Russia reportedly caters to different audiences by creating media outlets tailored to their interests. For instance, Zero Edge, which initially appeared as a financial investment aid platform for US investors, is now known to employ RT and RIA Novosti journalists. The speaker also mentions Pepe Escobar and Alfredo Jalife-Rahme as examples of individuals associated with these Russian media outlets. Additionally, Russia creates fake experts and investigators to bolster its narratives, as seen in the cases of Kremlin Amplifiers and Belink.
  • 00:55:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "El Ecosistema de la DESINFORMACIÓN de Rusia. ¿Y Ucrania, qué?" by TRU, the speaker discusses various examples of Russian disinformation, including the case of Wilson Edwards, a Swiss scientist who was falsely accused by Chinese media of being the origin of the COVID-19 virus. The speaker also mentions Telegram analysts, such as Anatoly Sharif, a Ucrainian living in Barcelona who supports the Russian version of events. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being aware of the numerous sources of disinformation and the need to critically evaluate information, as individuals and media outlets can be manipulated to spread false narratives. The speaker also notes that some individuals and media outlets may follow Russian directives to create content that camouflages the disinformation. The discussion highlights the complexity of identifying disinformation and the importance of staying informed and critical of various sources.

01:00:00 - 02:00:00

In the YouTube video "El Ecosistema de la DESINFORMACIÓN de Rusia. ¿Y Ucrania, qué?" by TRU, the speaker discusses the complex and corrupt information landscape surrounding the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. The speaker emphasizes the importance of identifying the sources of disinformation and understanding their motivations, using the example of Russia's invasion of Ukraine and its propaganda efforts. The speaker also acknowledges Ukraine's corruption issues but argues that it needs external help to defend itself against Russian aggression. The video touches upon the relationship between Russia's disinformation industry and its arms industry, the financing of Russian disinformation outlets, and the manipulation of public opinion in Europe and Spain. The speaker encourages honesty and transparency in discussions about disinformation and foreign influence, emphasizing the need to understand the motivations behind the narratives being presented.

  • 01:00:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "El Ecosistema de la DESINFORMACIÓN de Rusia. ¿Y Ucrania, qué?" by TRU, the speaker discusses the importance of identifying who is spreading specific narratives regarding geopolitical conflicts. The speaker uses the example of Russia's invasion of Ukraine and how certain profiles, such as those labeled as "propagandists," were previously denying the presence of Russian troops in Ukraine but later justified it. The speaker also mentions how these same profiles criticized NATO's expansion and spread Russian narratives about biological labs in Ukraine creating super soldiers to invade Russia. The speaker emphasizes the significance of paying attention to these propaganda outlets as they often influence official media narratives. The ultimate goal, according to the speaker, is to engage in debate and understand that both sides use disinformation to further their interests.
  • 01:05:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "El Ecosistema de la DESINFORMACIÓN de Rusia. ¿Y Ucrania, qué?" by TRU, the speaker discusses the corruption issues in Ukraine and its conflict with Russia. The speaker acknowledges that Ukraine is not a perfect country and has its own systemic corruption problems. However, he argues that Ukraine's situation is different from Russia's, and it needs external help to defend itself against Russian aggression. The speaker criticizes those who claim to be against the war but have previously supported Russia in various ways. He also mentions the economic war against Russia and how it has attempted to evade sanctions through cryptocurrencies. The speaker expresses his opposition to the war and the suffering of civilians, emphasizing that the population is the one that ultimately bears the brunt of conflicts.
  • 01:10:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "El Ecosistema de la DESINFORMACIÓN de Rusia. ¿Y Ucrania, qué?" by TRU, the speaker discusses the complexity of the information and disinformation landscape regarding Russia and Ukraine. He emphasizes that no one wants a war, but sometimes helping a country in need can lead to invasions. The speaker also mentions that Sputnik, RT, and other Russian media outlets are well-known, and while they can disseminate false information, they also provide accessible news. The speaker argues that the real issue is the hypocrisy on both sides, as some information can be sold, while certain topics, such as invasions resulting in civilian casualties, are not defensible. The speaker concludes by acknowledging that Russia has historically used various means to extend its political influence and that it is currently adapting to new environments, such as Spain, where RT is available.
  • 01:15:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "El Ecosistema de la DESINFORMACIÓN de Rusia. ¿Y Ucrania, qué?" by TRU, the speaker discusses the relationship between Russia's disinformation industry and its arms industry. According to the speaker, Russia's inability to communicate effectively led to conflicts, and the arms industry has benefited significantly from this disinformation. The speaker also mentions that countries that used to buy arms from Russia are now buying from the United States instead. The speaker emphasizes that the primary beneficiaries of this situation are the military industries in both Russia and the United States. The speaker also touches upon the corruption issues in Ukraine and how it used to sell its military vehicles but is now buying them back from the same sources that previously supplied them with defective or outdated equipment. The speaker concludes by emphasizing the importance of objective analysis and understanding the motivations behind the narratives being presented.
  • 01:20:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "El Ecosistema de la DESINFORMACIÓN de Rusia. ¿Y Ucrania, qué?" by TRU, the speaker discusses the financing of certain individuals and profiles in the Russian disinformation ecosystem. They note that some individuals claim they are not paid but have hidden sources of funding through platforms like Patreon. The speaker also mentions the importance of understanding how these individuals are financed and emphasizes the need for open dialogue. They provide examples of Russian media outlets and individuals who spread alternative narratives, and acknowledge that other countries also have their lobbies and interests. The speaker criticizes some individuals for focusing solely on Russia and ignoring the actions of other countries, such as China, which also engage in influence operations. Overall, the speaker encourages honesty and transparency in discussions about disinformation and foreign influence.
  • 01:25:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "El Ecosistema de la DESINFORMACIÓN de Rusia. ¿Y Ucrania, qué?" by TRU, the speaker discusses how Russian media outlets portray other countries, specifically Europe and Spain, as uncaring and barbaric, while Russia presents itself as a savior. The speaker criticizes these portrayals as false and harmful, and mentions how Russian media was one of the first to spread the narrative about biological labs in Ukraine creating super soldiers. The speaker finds it interesting that this narrative was previously mentioned by Russian proxies and that the Russian embassy in Bosnia was the first official Russian source to spread this information. The speaker also mentions that Russia has a history of causing conflict and damage in various parts of the world, but now the focus should be on the current economic and reputational issues. The speaker encourages viewers to observe and criticize these false narratives.
  • 01:30:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "El Ecosistema de la DESINFORMACIÓN de Rusia. ¿Y Ucrania, qué?" by TRU, the speaker discusses how official Russian media outlets, such as Sputnik, copy and paste content from other countries, including Venezuela and Iran, without adaptation. The speaker points out that Russia has reached a point where it is increasingly associated with propaganda and censorship, and that the Russian mentality differs significantly from that of other countries. The speaker also mentions the historical context of censorship and repression in Russia and the Soviet Union, and the emergence of extreme groups in various countries, including Ukraine. The speaker criticizes the use of terms like "multipolarity" by authoritarian regimes to justify their actions and the spread of disinformation. The speaker also touches upon the concept of freedom of speech in the United States and the differences in media development between democratic and autocratic countries.
  • 01:35:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "El Ecosistema de la DESINFORMACIÓN de Rusia. ¿Y Ucrania, qué?" by TRU, the speaker discusses the issue of disinformation, specifically focusing on Russia and the United States. The speaker points out that in the US, anyone with power can have a microphone and spread false information, using the example of Alex Jones, who has claimed school shootings were hoaxes. The speaker also mentions that Russia's disinformation is more significant than people believe and that there is a double standard when it comes to criticizing governments. The speaker argues that while it's acceptable to criticize certain leaders, it's not acceptable to criticize Russia's actions in Ukraine in 2022, and anyone who does so risks being labeled as undemocratic or even compared to Nazi Germany. The speaker also mentions that there have been historical cases of people being silenced or even disappeared for speaking out against their governments, even in democratic countries. The speaker is joined by Carlos Galán, a professor at the Complutense University of Madrid, who specializes in disinformation, and they discuss the long-standing disinformation tactics used by Russia.
  • 01:40:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "El Ecosistema de la DESINFORMACIÓN de Rusia. ¿Y Ucrania, qué?" by TRU, the speaker discusses the issue of disinformation and propaganda in Russia, with a focus on the country's manipulation of information and silencing of journalists. The speaker acknowledges that other countries, including the United States, also engage in disinformation campaigns but emphasizes that the problem with Russia lies in its inability to be clear and the severe consequences for those who speak out against the government. The speaker also touches on the hypocrisy of Russian oligarchs and the country's attempts to spread anti-Western sentiment, such as the sale of a supposed "Rusophobia" narrative. The speaker expresses frustration with the inability to criticize Russia openly without facing repercussions and the silencing of dissenting voices. The speaker also mentions the corruption and other problems within Russia but emphasizes the need for transparency and freedom of speech to address these issues.
  • 01:45:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "El Ecosistema de la DESINFORMACIÓN de Rusia. ¿Y Ucrania, qué?" by TRU, the speaker discusses the concept of disinformation and its impact on the European Union. According to the speaker, Russia is a significant source of disinformation, targeting fundamental pillars of European states, such as democracy, public health, and Western values. Disinformation is not only used to manipulate public opinion but also to cause systemic damage. The speaker mentions the case of RT, a Russian media outlet, which spread false information about a supposed hacking incident that was later proven to be Russian but denied by the outlet for a long time. The speaker also criticizes some Spanish media for inviting conspiracy theorists and giving them too much airtime, leading to the spread of misinformation. The speaker concles that the problem with journalism is that many journalists do not have the necessary knowledge or resources to challenge disinformation effectively.
  • 01:50:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "El Ecosistema de la DESINFORMACIÓN de Rusia. ¿Y Ucrania, qué?" by TRU, the speaker discusses the importance of understanding China's role in the disinformation ecosystem, specifically the power of 10 Chinese profiles compared to the other 3000. The speaker mentions the concept of Twitter being "bordado" and how it has favored certain narratives while limiting others. The speaker also recommends the works of Professor Joseph and Javier Jordán for further insight into the topic. The conversation shifts to the possibility of the war between Russia and Ukraine having been different if Trump were still in the White House, with the speaker suggesting that Trump may not have been as effective in leading the conflict due to his party's superior intelligence. The speaker also mentions the importance of being cautious with certain arms being sent to Ukraine and the potential for a larger conflict if Trump had remained in power. The conversation then ends with a suggestion to invite more guests for a deeper discussion on the topic.
  • 01:55:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "El Ecosistema de la DESINFORMACIÓN de Rusia. ¿Y Ucrania, qué?" by TRU, the speaker discusses the conspiracy theories surrounding the Capitol attack in the US and the role of Russia in spreading disinformation. The speaker mentions that there are narratives suggesting that the US is secretly governed by Trump and his allies, and that Biden is a hologram or a double. These theories, the speaker notes, are ridiculous but have gained traction among some people. The speaker also touches upon the investigation into Biden and mentions that some believe that his opponents will stage a false demonstration and release prisoners from secret US prisons. The speaker acknowledges that there is error in analysis and that everyone defends their own interests, with Spain specifically mentioned as having its own ways to combat disinformation. The speaker also mentions their personal involvement in combating disinformation and the importance of being aware of the impact of information, whether public or private, on social media platforms. The speaker concludes by sharing how they became interested in the topic of disinformation in 2016.

02:00:00 - 02:00:00

In the YouTube video "El Ecosistema de la DESINFORMACIÓN de Rusia. ¿Y Ucrania, qué?" by TRU, the speaker expresses his appreciation for being invited to the event and shares his personal background on the topic. He admits to initially falling for Russian disinformation but later wrote a doctoral thesis on the subject after conducting further research. The speaker relishes being surrounded by individuals with similar interests and anticipates future collaborations, such as a discussion with David Casado Rabanal about cannabis. He concludes by expressing gratitude to the audience and signing off.

  • 02:00:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "El Ecosistema de la DESINFORMACIÓN de Rusia. ¿Y Ucrania, qué?" by TRU, the speaker expresses his gratitude for being invited to the event and shares his personal connection with the channel. He explains that he was initially misled by Russian disinformation, but after investigating further, he wrote a doctoral thesis on the topic. The speaker expresses his enjoyment of being among like-minded individuals and looks forward to future collaborations, including an upcoming discussion with David Casado Rabanal about cannabis. He concludes by thanking the audience and signing off.

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