Summary of 5 Mistakes I Made Selling on Facebook Marketplace

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00:00:00 - 00:10:00

In the YouTube video "5 Mistakes I Made Selling on Facebook Marketplace," the creator expresses appreciation for reaching 100 subscribers and announces a new challenge. The main content of the video, however, focuses on sharing five mistakes made during her selling experience on Facebook Marketplace. The first mistake was delivering items without being paid extra, which can attract cheap buyers and lead to price haggling. The second mistake was holding items for more than a day without a deposit, as people often lose interest or find cheaper alternatives. The third mistake was selling retail arbitrage or clearance items locally, as they can easily be found online for cheaper prices and may attract unwanted attention. The fourth mistake was dealing with hostile messages from potential buyers and sellers, emphasizing the importance of confirming arrangements before meeting up. The fifth mistake was trying to sell an item to a buyer who insisted on opening the package herself, despite its new and sealed condition, which ultimately resulted in a wasted effort.

  • 00:00:00 In this section of the video, the creator expresses gratitude for reaching 100 subscribers and announces plans for a new challenge. However, the main focus of the video is on sharing five mistakes made while selling on Facebook Marketplace. The first mistake is delivering items without being paid extra, which can attract cheap buyers. The creator shares an experience where a buyer pretended to have an injury to haggle the price down. The second mistake is holding items for more than a day without a deposit, as people often lose interest or find the item elsewhere for a lower price. The third mistake is selling retail arbitrage or clearance items locally, as they can easily be found online for cheaper prices and may attract unwanted attention. The creator shares an example of a Disney animated Christmas tree that blew up with views but ended up being returned due to price haggling.
  • 00:05:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "5 Mistakes I Made Selling on Facebook Marketplace," the speaker shares her experience with receiving hostile messages from potential buyers and sellers, as well as the importance of confirming arrangements before meeting up. She recounts an instance where she received threatening messages, while another time, a buyer took over an hour to send an e-transfer for a purchase. The speaker advises sellers to have their e-transfers set up for automatic deposit to avoid delays. Additionally, she emphasizes the importance of confirming arrangements with the other party before meeting up, as some may cancel or reschedule at the last minute.
  • 00:10:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "5 Mistakes I Made Selling on Facebook Marketplace," the seller shares an experience where a potential buyer expressed disinterest in purchasing an item despite its new and sealed condition. The seller tried to show the item to the buyer through a video call, but the buyer insisted on opening the package herself. The seller expressed frustration, believing it was a waste of time, as the buyer ultimately did not end up purchasing the item.

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